Toltec fruit vampire

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Toltec fruit vampire
Artibeus toltecus, illustration

Artibeus toltecus , illustration

Order : Bats (chiroptera)
Superfamily : Hare's mouths (Noctilionoidea)
Family : Leaf noses (Phyllostomidae)
Subfamily : Fruit vampires (Stenodermatinae)
Genre : Actual fruit vampires ( Artibeus )
Type : Toltec fruit vampire
Scientific name
Artibeus toltecus
( Saussure , 1860)

The Toltec fruit vampire ( Artibeus toltecus ) is a species of bat from the family of leaf noses (Phyllostomidae), which is native to Central America.

Distribution area of ​​the Toltec fruit vampire


The Toltec fruit vampire is a small species of the actual fruit vampire with a maximum weight of 16 g. Their fur varies regionally from brown to blackish, whereby in Central America pale animals occur more in dry and dark animals in moist areas. The name Artibeus is derived from the Greek arti and beus , which refers to the presence of two white stripes on the face. The flight skin is black, the ears dark brown. Like most representatives of the leaf noses , the Toltec fruit vampire also has a striking nose leaf . Risk of confusion exists only with the part sympatrically occurring Aztec fruit vampire ( Artibeus aztecus ), which, however, is larger and heavier.

The species name toltecus refers to the Toltec people who were native to Veracruz , where the holotype of this species was caught.

Way of life

The Toltec fruit vampire sleeps in caves, buildings and under banana leaves during the day. This bat species is probably a fruit eater like all other Genuine Fruit Vampires. Pregnant females were caught every month between January and August and October.

distribution and habitat

The Toltec fruit vampire is widespread from Mexico to Honduras , as well as in Costa Rica and Panama . Thanks to its widespread use, the IUCN classifies its population as safe.


  • WD Webster, JK Jones: Artibeus toltecus , Mammalian Species , No. 178 (1982): pp. 1-3

Web links

Commons : Toltec fruit vampire ( Artibeus toltecus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Dermanura tolteca in the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species .