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Tomolo (plural tomoli; also tumolo; from the Arabic: Arabic thumn one eighth) was both an ancient grain measure that was used in southern Italy before the decimal metric system was adopted, and a measure of area for agricultural land in central and southern Italy. For both cases there were different values ​​and subdivisions in smaller dimensions, which have been handed down as follows:

Grain measure


with wheat

with legumes

  • 1 tomolo = 4 quarti = 1085 Parisian cubic inches = 21.5 liters


  • 1 Tomolo = 2 Mezzo tomoli / Mezzetta = 4 Quarti = 24 Misure = 24 Boccali / Maß = 96 Quartarole = 3 Cubic Palmi = 55.5451 liters

The larger unit was the Stopello and corresponded to ⅛ Tomolo with 55.23 liters.


In Palermo it was

  • 1 tomolo = 1 cubic palmi = 17.193 liters (17.357 liters)

One compared in the trade by changing the number of liters

  • 16 Sicilian tomoli = 5 Neapolitan tomoli
  • 1 Sicilian tomolo = 17.358 liters

Area measure


  • 1 salma = 12.096 = 1.20 ha = 3 tomoli
  • 1 tomolo = 4032 m² = 2 mezzetti
  • 1 mezzetto = 2016 m² = 2 coppe
  • 1 coppa = 1008 m² = 6 misure
  • 1 misura = 168 m²


  • Eduard Döring: Handbook of coin, exchange, measure and weight. J. Hölscher publishing house, Koblenz 1862.
  • Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of coins, dimensions and weights of all countries in the world…. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 347.

Individual evidence

  1. tómolo. In: Retrieved May 24, 2017 (Italian).
  2. Leopold Carl Bleibtreu : Handbook of coin, measure and weight, and the bill of exchange, government paper, banking and shares in European and non-European countries and cities. Published by J. Engelhorn, Stuttgart 1863, p. 535.
  3. ^ Association of practical merchants: Latest illustrated trade and goods dictionary or. Volume 2, Verlag Ernst Schäfer, Leipzig 1857, p. 304.
  4. ^ Lino Bellizzi: Villa Badessa, Oasi orientale in Abruzzo. 1 ^ Edizione . Tracce, Pescara 1994, pp. 60 (Italian).