Tony Schultze

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Tony Schultze ( Greek Τόνυ Σούλτσε , * 1880 in Amsterdam , † 1954 in Athens ) was a Dutch violinist and violin teacher.

Schultze studied at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in Brussels as a student of César Thomson and taught as a lecturer at the private Conservatory Lot from 1905 , which was led by Lina von Lottner in Athens. In 1910 he was recruited from the Athens Conservatory . In 1919 he got a professorship at the Greek Conservatory .

Schultze was also very successful as a soloist. It was through him that chamber music made its breakthrough in Greece.

The later conductor Antiochos Evangelatos and the composer Nikos Skalkottas were among his students .


  • Τάκης Καλογερόπουλος, Λεξικό της Ελληνικής μουσικής, εκδόσεις Γιαλλελή, 2001
  • Greek Musipedia