Topological entropy

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Topological entropy is an invariant that measures the complexity of dynamic systems . It generalizes the (measure theoretical) concept of Kolmogorow-Sinai entropy to not necessarily measure-preserving dynamic systems .

Entropy measures the chaotic nature of a dynamic system. Dynamic systems are called chaotic if their entropy is positive.


Let be a compact topological space and a continuous map .

Definition according to Adler-Konheim-McAndrew

The topological entropy of the dynamic system defined by iteration of is defined as follows.

For a finite open cover

of by open sets will be denoted by

the logarithm of the minimum number of sets that already completely cover. For two open covers and we denote the cover by open sets of the form

with .

With these notations, the topological entropy of is defined as


where the supremum is taken over all open coverages .

Metric definition according to Bowen and Dinaburg

Let be a metric space and again a continuous map .

We are defining a new metric for everyone


For be

the maximum cardinality of a set with for all .

Then we define the topological entropy of by


If is a compact metric space, then this definition agrees with that of Adler-Konheim-McAndrew.


  • For an isometry or more generally a Lipschitz continuous mapping with Lipschitz constant is .
  • For a logistic picture with is .
  • The topological entropy of the angle doubling map is .
  • The topological entropy of the shift mapping on symbols is .


  • .
  • For a homeomorphism is .
  • for any homeomorphism and any .
  • The topological entropy only depends on the topology , not on the underlying metric.


  • Luis Barreira, Claudia Valls: Dynamical systems. An introduction. Translated from the 2012 Portuguese original. University text. Springer, London 2013, ISBN 978-1-4471-4834-0 .
  • RL Adler, AG Konheim, MH McAndrew: Topological entropy. In: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 114, 1965, pp. 309-319.
  • Rufus Bowen: Entropy for group endomorphisms and homogeneous spaces. In: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 153, 1971, pp. 401-414.
  • EI Dinaburg: A connection between various entropy characterizations of dynamical systems. In: Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 35, 1971, pp. 324-366. (Russian)

Individual evidence

  1. Rufus Bowen: Entropy for group endomorphisms and homogeneous spaces. In: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 153, 1971, pp. 401-414.
  2. ^ Jacques M. Bahi, Christophe Guyeux: Discrete dynamical systems and chaotic machines. Theory and applications. Chapman & Hall / CRC Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 2013, ISBN 978-1-4665-5450-4 .