Totally real submanifold

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Totally real submanifolds occur in complex geometry , a branch of mathematics . They generalize the concept of taking real vector space as a subspace of complex space .


It is an almost complex manifold . That is, is a smooth mapping of the tangent of on itself such that the restrictions for all , Vektorraumautomorphismen and are sufficient.

An immersed submanifold of is now called totally real if holds for all .

Of all the vectors that lie tangentially at the point , the almost complex structure therefore only maps the zero vector back onto a tangential vector of . Clearly speaking, the points of have only "real" tangential vectors and no actually "complex" ones .



  • Bang-Yen Chen, "Riemannian submanifolds", 187-418. In: Handbook of differential geometry. Vol. I. Edited by Franki JE Dillen and Leopold CA Verstraelen. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2000. ISBN 0-444-82240- 2
  • Michèle Audin, François Lalonde, Leonid Polterovich: "Symplectic rigidity: Lagrangian submanifolds", 271-321. In: Holomorphic curves in symplectic geometry. Edited by Michèle Audin and Jacques Lafontaine. Progress in Mathematics, 117. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1994. ISBN 3-7643-2997-1