National program for sustainable consumption

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With the National Program for Sustainable Consumption (hereinafter referred to as the program ), the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMU ) is describing a way in which the necessary structural change in the economy and society towards sustainability is to be promoted in Germany.

With the program in contributing to national implementation of sustainable development goals (germ .: Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs), in particular measures to achieve the target be included 12 "sustainable consumption and production patterns provide".

Sustainable consumption in the sense of this program ensures that with the satisfaction of the needs of today's and future generations, the earth's load limits are met.

Goals, need for action and previous activities

The efficiency gains achieved through economical products are often reduced by growing demand ( rebound effect ). Efficiency gains alone are therefore not sufficient to reduce energy consumption. In order not to endanger global ecosystems, consumer behavior must become more sustainable.

The program aims to enable consumers to better understand the consequences of their consumption. The change in consumer behavior is of great importance. The program emphasizes that a social discussion is necessary in order to negotiate how sustainable consumption should be implemented.

The program interprets the growing imports from developing and emerging countries as an opportunity to make an important contribution to the development of welfare in these countries, with which sustainable development can be supported. Last but not least, consumer behavior in industrialized countries is also assigned an important role model for emerging and developing countries .

Previous activities:

  • The key points were formulated in the German Resource Efficiency Program (ProgRess).
  • In 2013 the national waste prevention program was passed.
  • A “sustainable shopping basket” has been defined by the Council for Sustainable Development .
  • The consumer portal "Environmentally conscious living" of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has existed since 2013.
  • In 2015 the portal “” was launched, which provides information about environmental certificates and labels.

Mission statement of sustainability

The guiding principle of sustainable development is defined in the national sustainability strategy : In it, the earth's carrying capacity represents the absolute limit within which the political goals must be achieved.

The program specifies the sustainability strategy and is based on five main ideas:
1. Sustainable consumption should be made possible

  • through better information
  • through incentive systems and the definition of minimum requirements for certain products

2. Sustainability to Mainstream be

  • by promoting new initiatives
  • through start-up funding for new technologies

3. The general participation of all sections of the population should be guaranteed
4. The total costs of products should be brought into focus ( life cycle perspective )

5. System view instead of product focus / users instead of consumers

  • Every purchase decision takes place in a complex environment consisting of the market, society and the individual. A change in consumption habits can only succeed if this overall framework is taken into account.
  • If available resources are used to their regenerative capacity only to the extent they will ge need not ver need.

Comprehensive approaches to action

Social discussion

Thinking about the personal lifestyle and the possibilities of change towards sustainability should be stimulated. The specific goal is also to upgrade the status of sustainable products so that their use becomes a matter of course.

In an earlier research initiative, it was suggested to accompany the change process with “consumption messages”.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Initiation of a forum "Sustainable Consumption through Civic Engagement - Strengthening the Diversity of Sustainability in Germany"
  • Initiation of a federal cultural program "Consumer Worlds in Transition"
  • Development of socio-political models, such as "Living in a sustainable society" and the establishment of platforms for action for broad-based implementation (Vision 2050)
  • Increased cooperation with social groups such as the media and retailers (e.g. in the form of designing themed weeks on public television on sustainable lifestyles)
  • Increased consumer activation through citizen dialogues


Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is intended to provide design skills and thus enable active participation in societal decision-making processes. The individual citizen should be encouraged to think about their own needs and they should get an idea of ​​the sustainability quality of products and possible consumption alternatives.

A World Action Program (WAP) on ESD was adopted by the United Nations (duration 2015–2019). The national platform set up in this context has the task of adopting a national action plan for WAP implementation in Germany.

Consumer information

The program aims to make it easier for citizens to understand what constitutes sustainable consumption, e.g. B. via the following measures:

  • Consumer portal "Environmentally conscious living" of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
  • Establishing a critical market observation
  • Market surveillance of environmental advertising claims

Other concrete measures proposed within the program :

  • Increased advertising information tools, such as CO 2 - and resource computers
  • Development of the funding concept "More quality of life through sustainable consumption - design skills for a good, sustainable life in Germany"

Environmental and social symbols

The program hopes that certificates will provide users with information as well as an incentive for manufacturers to develop sustainable products.

The Federal Government has set itself the goal of making credible and ambitious “trust labels” easy to distinguish from the majority of other symbols.

Particular attention is drawn to:

The program also provides for the investigation of the “second price tag” concept, which reveals the external costs, ie costs for environmental damage and resource consumption.

Other concrete measures proposed within the program :

  • Expansion of the “Seal Clarity” project to include other sign systems and the target group of public procurement, e.g. B. via the “Sustainability Compass”.
  • Extension of credible labels to other product groups for everyday use.
  • Further development of the Blue Angel by adding criteria that enable a more holistic assessment of the manufacturing process.
  • Support of trust labels through public relations and campaigns.
  • Development of criteria for the impact on biological diversity and for making social standards measurable.
  • Expansion of systems for the transmission of product information within the supply chain.
  • Harmonization of criteria for international sign systems.
  • Expansion of the environmental declarations for building products based on life cycle assessments.
  • Development of framework conditions for a consumer-oriented use of the EMAS logo (eco-auditing).

Environmentally friendly product design (ecodesign)

With better design, products can become more durable and easier to repair. A binding instrument here is the EU Ecodesign Directive . Another instrument is the Federal Ecodesign Award .

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • At the European level, the federal government wants to promote the anchoring of the top runner principle , through which the most energy-efficient products are declared the standard.
  • Strengthening market surveillance to review ecodesign requirements and energy labeling.
  • Expansion of the Federal Ecodesign Award.
  • Strengthening consumer information, such as B. user-friendly operating instructions or repair information.

Sustainable public procurement

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Completion of the national procurement law reform
  • Strengthening the Competence Center for Sustainable Procurement (KNB)

Research for sustainable consumption

In the view of the Federal Government, the following concepts play a role in achieving sustainable consumption:

The FONA program (Research for Sustainable Development) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is dedicated to the topic of sustainable consumption and the like. a. in two funding measures:

  • "Sustainable Business" (2014 to 2018)
  • "Environmentally and socially compatible transformation of the energy system" (2013 to 2017)

In addition to engineering and natural sciences, the humanities and social sciences are also in demand to provide answers to values ​​and convictions, to individual and collective processes of change and participation, or to economic challenges. In this context, the social-ecological research (SÖF) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) plays an important role.

Social innovations

According to the Federal Government, social innovations can contribute to solving social problems.

Examples are energy cooperatives , urban gardening initiatives, rental and swap exchanges , repair cafés , own workshops or car sharing offers.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Establishment of a "round table on financing models for social innovations for sustainable consumption" in cooperation with funding institutions, foundations and crowdfunding initiatives
  • Establishment of a central competence center “Social Innovations in Germany” at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) as support for initiatives and the provision of best practice examples.

Monitoring for sustainable consumption

The “Market Data Index” and “Willingness to Buy Index” for sustainable consumption initiated by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) are an important step in this regard. In addition, the further development of the regularly conducted environmental awareness and nature awareness study could make an important contribution.

Other concrete measures proposed within the program :

  • Development of a leading indicator for sustainable consumption
  • Expansion of national social reporting to include aspects of sustainable consumption, e.g. B. in the context of the socio-economic panel

Needs and approaches


Traffic accounts for more than a quarter of the CO 2 emissions caused by private consumption .

The Federal Government fears that, due to increasing distances and journeys, the greenhouse gas emissions of passenger traffic will not decrease in the future in line with the climate protection goals. The reason given is also the increase in air traffic.

Integrated urban, spatial and traffic planning could be part of the solution.

In addition to greenhouse gases, air pollutants such as fine dust and nitrogen oxides are polluting both the environment and human health. Another very important issue is traffic noise.

Obstacles to sustainable consumption in the area of ​​mobility:

  • Everyday mobility is predominantly characterized by routines.
  • The choice of transport is influenced by social norms. As long as owning a car is often seen as a sign of success, more environmentally friendly mobility alternatives are difficult to establish on a broad basis.
  • Unequal cost perception of the modes of transport (e.g. comparing a flight with a low-cost airline versus a train journey, the mere crediting of fuel costs for a car) influence mobility decisions.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Increased attractiveness of public transport
  • Support of consumers through reliable information about fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, such as B. via the information portal "Pkw-Label". (Similar to the energy efficiency label for household appliances, the passenger car label uses a color scale to indicate how efficient the vehicle is in the respective weight class. This creates incentives for purchasing new CO 2 -efficient vehicles .)
  • Improving possibilities for combining modes of transport
  • Support of cycling z. B. through the National Cycling Plan (NRVP)
  • Support of foot traffic z. B. by developing a walking strategy for Germany
  • Promotion of neighborhood-compatible mobility (e.g. barrier-free traffic areas, bike and pedestrian-friendliness) as part of urban development funding
  • Further development of the promotion of sustainable mobility within the framework of the National Climate Protection Initiative (NKI), e.g. B. Vehicle fleet conversion to electromobility
  • Information on the environmental impact of traffic, which increases with distance

Objective - Promotion of telework:
Since 2008 the spread of telework has decreased slightly. The aim should be to spread traffic-relieving working methods.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Information about opportunities to work from home
  • Increase in agreements to introduce telework in public institutions
  • Support of companies in the development of concepts for flexible work design
  • Research on reducing environmental pollution with the help of teleworking

Promote networked mobility:
The majority of journeys made by people are made by car. The changed conditions require a change of perspective towards an intermodal mobility system.

The program sees the breaking down of barriers between the different mobility providers as a central task of politics.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Support for the combination of local public transport with car and bike sharing offers
  • Improvement of the framework conditions for the use of cross-carrier data platforms: information about mobility offers, traffic jams, delays and timetable data
  • Creation of new transitions between modes of transport and further funding of mobility stations as interfaces of the environmental network
  • Strengthening municipal and company mobility management
  • Traffic education on intermodal modes of mobility

Objective - Enable short distances in everyday life:
In order to avoid traffic, measures must also address the causes of the generation of traffic. Spatial separation of important functions such as work, shopping and leisure lead to a spatial structure that requires a lot of distance. On the other hand, a compact and mixed-use structure offers better conditions for short work, supply and leisure trips.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Greater consideration of the goal of traffic reduction in urban development
  • Creation of near-natural green areas and establishment of traffic-calmed areas
  • Securing local facilities such as kindergartens, schools, shopping opportunities
  • Advice for new residents on public transport services


Organic food is more expensive than conventionally produced food because it has to meet the requirements of the EU organic regulation . At the same time, poor nutrition leads to diseases that cause a third of all health care costs. In Germany, 62 percent of men and 43 percent of women are overweight (2013 figures for adults).

The Federal Government sees an obstacle to sustainable consumption in the area of ​​nutrition in current nutrition practice, which is often under great time pressure.

Goal - Anchoring sustainable nutrition:
With INFORM - Germany's initiative for healthy eating and more exercise , the federal government wants to set impulses for healthy eating.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Use of the networking points for school catering to improve the quality of a balanced range of nutrition in schools and daycare centers
  • Dissemination of information materials on nutrition education in daycare centers and schools developed within the framework of INFORM, e.g. B. Aid nutrition driving license to impart nutrition knowledge to small children

Goal - Anchoring sustainable nutrition as an ecological concept:

  • through needs-based use of fertilizers
  • by creating ecological focus areas
  • through diversification of crops
  • by avoiding food waste
  • through animal production geared towards sustainability, including the conversion to animal welfare-promoting husbandry methods in livestock husbandry

Further examples of the promotion of sustainability in agriculture are the projects of the “ Federal Program for Organic Farming and Other Forms of Sustainable Agriculture” (BÖLN) and the “Protein Plant Strategy” (EPS).

Plant foods cause i. d. As a rule, considerably less environmental damage (e.g. greenhouse gases, soil pollution, water consumption, groundwater pollution) than food of animal origin.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Promotion of sustainability initiatives such as As the "Forum Sustainable Cocoa" ( lighthouse project in 2016 to the National Strategy for Sustainable Development) and the "Forum Sustainable Palm Oil" (FONAP)
  • Support for the animal welfare initiative of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
  • Further development of measures for low-emission animal husbandry
  • Research project to promote resource efficiency as part of the innovation program of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)

Initiatives to reduce food waste :

  • In the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) there is the initiative "Too good for the bin!"
  • Restaurants should be encouraged to actively offer their guests the leftovers ("Enjoy completely" campaign)
  • The COSUS project is investigating how consumer acceptance for optical defects in food can be increased
  • the research project "Ways to reduce food waste - Pathways to reduce food waste (REFOWAS)" is the emergence of food waste analyzed in the agricultural and food sector
  • the research project “Development of instruments to avoid food waste” examined the environmental impacts associated with the generation of food waste

In private households, food waste is generated to the value of 235 euros per person per year.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Component offers in communal catering
  • Research to understand best before and use by dates
  • Strengthening of offers with little or no packaging (loose goods)

Goal - strengthen regionality:
The food supply is transport-intensive. The amount of food consumed per person has hardly changed in recent years, and the volume of transport has doubled in the past two decades. Transports by air are particularly harmful to the environment: imports from overseas by air produce up to 170 times more emissions per kg of food than transport by seagoing vessels.

The “regional window” sponsored by a private association has existed since 2014 so that consumers can easily identify regional products.

Farmers could also make themselves more independent of global food markets through solidarity-based agriculture and animal leasing.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Promotion of fresh, little processed and predominantly regional food in communal catering
  • Support of regional products, etc. a. by the support group shopping on the farm
  • Introduction of practicable labeling with the help of symbols to indicate the energy consumption for production and for transport routes (e.g. CO 2 emissions)
  • Examination of the extension of labels for resource consumption, transport routes and social aspects in the supply chain

Housing and household

38 percent of CO 2 emissions from private consumption arise in the residential sector . These emissions drop by 0.5 percent per year as efficiency gains are offset by the increase in the number and size of devices.

The increasing demand for living space and the growing number of household appliances are seen as obstacles to sustainable consumption.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Information on replacing old heating pumps with new models
  • Support for longer use of furniture, electrical appliances, etc.
  • Examination of the possible expansion of take-back systems for old products to other product groups (e.g. through the introduction of a recycling bin)

Objective - Promotion of new forms of living in the community:
assemblies, intergenerational housing projects or co-housing projects are increasingly emerging as new forms of living. There were over 500 such projects in Germany in 2010.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Establishment of a "pilot service" as a contact for housing projects, public relations and intermediary for the housing industry
  • Support for municipal land allocation to residential projects

Goal - Reduction of consumption-related household
waste : According to estimates, the entry of plastics into the oceans could increase tenfold by 2025.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Research on ways of avoiding plastic entry into the environment
  • Research on the health effects of microplastics
  • Support in the development of disposal systems for countries that have so far been unable to prevent plastics from entering the environment

The goal - economical heating:
Living causes 60 percent of the CO 2 emissions of private households.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Promotion of heating optimization (e.g. through hydraulic balancing )
  • Free advice to low-income households and free installation of energy-saving technology
  • Development of incentives for private households (e.g. through energy saving accounts )

Work and office

From an ecological point of view, the purchase, use and disposal of information and communication technology (ICT) devices is particularly important. The demand of private households for ICT devices is increasing steadily.

In 2007, electricity consumption for ICT, including entertainment electronics, accounted for more than 10 percent of total electricity consumption in Germany.

The use of rare metals for the production of ICT devices is viewed critically.

The consumption of paper in Germany has stagnated at a high level for several years at a good 240 kilograms per capita per year.

Barriers to sustainable consumption in the work and office sector:

  • The Blue Angel, EU environmental flower , TCO label and Energy Star labels are either not very widespread or largely unknown to the general public and are of relatively little significance for purchasing decisions.
  • The innovation cycles in the industry are very short.
  • When it comes to paper, there is a limited supply in retail and quality reservations on the part of users towards recycled paper.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Support of awareness-raising campaigns such as MakeITFair
  • Expansion of shopping aids, such as the EcoTopTen purchase recommendations or the top device database of the Dena Energy Efficiency Initiative
  • Inclusion of credible seals in the IT area in the portal

Objective - Work towards extending the useful life of ICT products.
The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Education about alternatives to a new acquisition
  • Campaign "The raw material expedition - discover what's in (d) a mobile phone!"
  • Support in setting up repair services

Goal - To promote the sale of recycled paper.
The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Expansion of the “Engel-Papier. Now! ”For schoolchildren
  • Implementation of the goal formulated in the Federal Government's “Sustainability” program for the use of recycled paper in public administration
  • Development of educational campaigns for commercial procurers, such as B. Print shops and agencies


The aim of the federal government is a longer use of clothing and an increase in the proportion of sustainably produced textiles.

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Development of campaigns to raise awareness of the lack of sustainability
  • Strengthening sustainability seals
  • Target that 75 percent of German Retailers member of the Textile Alliance are
  • Establish a review process to measure the progress of alliance members
  • Promotion of sustainably produced raw materials (e.g. viscose made from wood)
  • Increasing the market share of clothing made from certified, organically grown cotton

Objective - promoting innovative business models.
The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Continuation of the research project "Slow Fashion" (2015 to 2017), which aims to extend the use of textiles
  • Increasing the use of recycled fibers, e.g. B. through public procurement

Goal - Reduction of possible environmental and health risks with new types of functional textiles. Some substances are considered questionable. Examples:

The following actions are proposed within the program :

  • Support of labels for products whose entire manufacturing process is harmless to health
  • Increased use of harmless innovations, e.g. B. PFC-free materials, recycled fibers or plant-derived fibers
  • Expand scientific research into the effects of textile products on human health and the environment

Leisure and Tourism

Three quarters of the CO 2 emissions in tourism come from traffic, of which 40 percent are caused by air traffic.

Sources of information such as the Viabono environmental umbrella brand and Tourcert certification are considered important by the federal government. Currently, only a small number of tourism service providers are certified with a credible environmental label.

In addition to the commercial Anders Reisen forum, there is also information on the federal competition “Sustainable Tourism Regions” in 2012/2013 and the “Via Germany” tourism project.

In the program , greater consideration of environmental criteria in the classification of hotels and inns is proposed (e.g. Grüner Stern).

Goal - Promote
climate-friendly vacation travel: The most climate-friendly vacation is usually the one with the shorter travel routes. The greatest damage to the climate is caused by the greenhouse gas emissions caused by air travel. One way of reducing the climate impact of air travel is to offset
greenhouse gases through reputable providers. However, only about a third of Germans are familiar with these offers and only 7.5 percent have already compensated.

The program proposes the further development of energy saving campaigns for the German hotel and restaurant industry.

Implementation and monitoring of the program

Institutional support for the program

In order to implement the national program for sustainable consumption, the Competence Center for Sustainable Consumption (KNK) was established at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). An inter-ministerial working group (IMA) was set up, which is led by the BMU , BMJV and BMEL (Environment, Justice, Agriculture).

The "National Network for Sustainable Consumption" was founded to include social groups.

Progress report, success monitoring and participation

A set of indicators is to be developed so that progress can be assessed. A leading indicator could be anchored in the national sustainability strategy.

It is to be examined whether measures of citizen participation (such as citizen conferences) are used to identify ideas, opinions and accentuations of citizens in the context of sustainable consumption.

Critical voices

Renate Künast , the former consumer minister of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, sees the program for sustainable consumption as "nice prose" as long as it is not backed by a budget and calls for sustainable consumption that is easy for the consumer.

In a guest article for the Frankfurter Rundschau , Ingmar Streese from the Federal Association of Consumer Organizations is pleased that the right goals have been formulated in the national program for sustainable consumption. In order to find the concrete measures, one has to look very carefully in the program. Overall, however, he fears that the program will only "give a little" help "to sustainable consumption, because it lacks the commitment, as it is e.g. B. was laid down in the climate protection plans. In addition, the responsibility would be seen on one side with the consumers. He calls on manufacturers to respect human rights, humane working conditions and environmental standards, including those of their suppliers. Retailers must place sustainably manufactured products on the shelves in such a way that customers can find them. And politics must create framework conditions for sustainable products. The necessary dynamics can only emerge when all those involved work together. Overall, he sees a lot of potential in the national program for sustainable consumption that just needs to be tapped.

The environmental protection association Nabu welcomes the fact that the program was coordinated across departments and that relevant areas such as the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection were involved from the start. The Nabu criticizes, however, that public procurement law does not help municipalities to equip their contracts with more ecological and social requirements and measures measurable indicators and a clearly defined time frame.

The daily newspaper Die Welt does not consider it to be sufficient that the federal government is primarily focusing on nudging with its national program for sustainable consumption .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ: Goal 12. Accessed on February 14, 2019 .
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap National Program for Sustainable Consumption , Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), February 16, 2016
  3. German Resource Efficiency Program (ProgRess), Program for the sustainable use and protection of natural resources , Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), February 2015
  4. Federal waste prevention program with the participation of the federal states , Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), July 2013
  5. Directive 2008/98 / EC on waste
  6. The sustainable shopping cart ( Memento of the original from April 27, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Simply better shopping - a guide, German Council for Sustainable Development, April 2015 (PDF brochure, 101 pages)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. The sustainable shopping cart , online offer, Council for Sustainable Development
  8. a b Living environmentally conscious: The consumer guide , Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
  9. Sustainable shopping, understanding the seal , Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  10. Dissemination of consumer messages , research for sustainable research (FONA), Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), 2012
  11. National Sustainability Strategy, Progress Report 2012 , Federal Government, 2012
  12. World Action Program "Education for Sustainable Development" ( Memento of the original from April 10, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , German UNESCO Commission  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  13. Sustainability “Made in Germany” , Federal Government, Sustainability Dialog, March 1, 2016
  14. Sustainability Compass , Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ)
  15. a b Federal Ecodesign Award
  16. ^ The Competence Center for Sustainable Procurement , Federal Government
  17. Via Fona , Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  18. Sustainable Management , Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  19. Environmentally and socially compatible transformation of the energy system , Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  20. Market observation of sustainable consumption: Development of an instrument for the long-term recording of market shares, trends and drivers of sustainable consumption ( memento of the original from February 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , by Myriam Steinemann, Regina Schwegler, Gina Spescha, Rolf Iten, INFRAS (Zurich), ed .: Umweltbundesamt (UBA), 2/2015  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  21. Environmental awareness in Germany 2014 ( Memento of the original from April 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and Federal Environment Agency (UBA), March 30, 2015  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  22. Car label ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , German Energy Agency (Dena)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  23. ^ Mobility stations , City of Offenburg
  24. Protein crops strategy , Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BMEL)
  25. Sustainable Cocoa Forum
  26. ^ Forum Sustainable Palm Oil
  27. The animal welfare initiative of the BMEL , Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BMEL)
  28. Transparency in animal welfare: Citizen portal of the BMEL , Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BMEL)
  29. ^ Program to promote innovation , Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BMEL), December 1, 2012
  30. Too good for the bin , Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BMEL)
  31. Enjoy completely - a campaign for the catering trade , joint campaign BMEL and Greentable, an information portal for sustainable catering offers
  32. COSUS - Consumers in the Sustainable Food Chain: Barriers and Mediators of Acceptance of Optically Suboptimal Food , Technische Universität Dresden, March 2, 2017
  33. ReFoWas Reduce Food Waste , Institute for Rural Areas
  34. Development of instruments to avoid food waste ( Memento of the original from April 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Ed .: Federal Environment Agency (UBA), December 2014  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  35. Regional window for food , Regional window e. V.
  36. Cows as ordered , by Pauline Schinkels, Süddeutsche Zeitung, October 21, 2015
  37. ^ Assemblies: The New Squatters , by Philipp Wurm, Der Spiegel, December 21, 2014
  38. makeITfair , Germanwatch
  39. The platform for ecological top-quality products , Öko-Institut
  40. Energy Efficiency Initiative , German Energy Agency (Dena)
  41. The Raw Materials Expedition , Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Project Group Science Year 2012
  42. School start campaign of the Blue Angel in 2015 ( Memento of the original from April 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  43. Concretely implementing sustainability in administrative activities - Sustainability program of measures ( Memento of the original from May 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , State Secretaries Committee for Sustainable Development Decision, December 6, 2010  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  44. BMBF funding measure “Sustainable Management” in the context of social-ecological research , Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), p. 51f.
  45. VIABONO ,
  46. Sustainability in Tourism ( Memento of the original from April 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ,  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  47. ^ Federal competition for sustainable tourism regions 2012/13 , Deutscher Tourismusverband e. V.
  48. Eventful and environmentally friendly , Verkehrs-Club Deutschland (VCD)
  49. Via Deutschland , Touristik aktuell: "a project of the Verkehrsclub Deutschlands (VCD)"
  50. The energy campaign for hotels and restaurants: Lower energy consumption - save energy costs , DEHOGA
  51. Federal government opens national competence center for sustainable consumption - BMU press release. Retrieved February 14, 2019 .
  52. National Network for Sustainable Consumption. June 1, 2017, accessed February 14, 2019 .
  53. Federal Environment Agency: National Network for Sustainable Consumption starts implementation. Federal Environment Agency, accessed on February 14, 2019 .
  54. National program for sustainable consumption: Nice prose instead of concrete measures ( Memento of the original from April 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Renate Künast, February 24, 2016  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  55. Please shop nicely , by Hanna Gersmann , taz, February 24, 2016
  56. Consumers are not the only world savers , by Ingmar Streese, Frankfurter Rundschau, February 28, 2016
  57. ^ NABU: Government program for sustainable consumption too timid , Nabu, February 24, 2016
  58. Gentle nudges: Nudging in Politics , Die Welt, February 28, 2016