Touhami Ennadre

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Touhami Ennadre (* 1953 in Casablanca ) is a Moroccan - French photographer .

life and work

Touhami Ennadre emigrated to Paris in 1961. His younger sister is the film director Dalila Ennadre (* 1966).

Touhami Ennadre's work includes classic photo portraits and also body studies that are bathed in deep black. The autodidact Ennadre uses flashlights to create the special light atmosphere in his pictures. Ennadre succeeds in communicating emotions in the image of a hand. The philosopher and writer François Aubral calls Touhami Ennadre's visual language black light .

“Ennadre shows images that appear and disappear at the same time. In an almost obdurate, at least extremely stubborn sense, these works pursue the history of creation in their own way, they pose the question of how light and shadow become form and shape. Whereby the light and the dark are always designed as completely equal to each other. "

Touhami Ennadre has been working in New York for several years. Well-known photo series by Touhami Ennadre are New York Nine-Eleven , New York Nightclub , Under New York and Trance .

“Given the proximity to the tragic events of September 11th, Ennadre couldn't avoid taking photos - although he had always refused to use the documentary style. His September 11 series will be exhibited for the first time at Documenta11 . The contradicting character of the event - the sun penetrating through stubborn clouds of smoke and dust, people hugging him and again alienating himself, his fear and confrontation with the tragedy - broke his long resistance to the report. "

- Documenta11_Plattform5: Exhibition. Short guide

Exhibitions (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Perlentaucher If you see something say something , accessed June 24, 2016.
  2. Moïra , accessed on 24 June 2016th
  3. Documenta11_Plattform5: Exhibition / Exhibition. Short guide; Page 70, Ostfildern-Ruit 2002 ISBN 3-7757-9087-X