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TrES-3 (TrES-3b)

Size comparison with Jupiter (left)

Size comparison with Jupiter (left)
Constellation Hercules
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 17h 52m 07s
declination + 37 ° 32 ′ 46 ″
Orbit data
Central star GSC 03089-00929
Major semi-axis 0.0226 ± 0.0013 AU
eccentricity 0
Period of circulation 1.30619 ± 0.00005
Further data
radius 1.341 ± 0.081
Dimensions 1.92 ± 0.23
distance 400 ± 200 pc
Date of discovery 2007

TrES-3 (TrES-3b) is an exoplanet that orbits the yellow dwarf GSC 03089-00929 every 1,306 days . Due to its high mass , it is assumed that it is a gas planet .


The object was made by Francis O'Donovan et al. discovered in 2007 using the transit method.

Circulation and mass

The planet orbits its star at a distance of approx. 0.0226 astronomical units with an eccentricity of 0% and has a mass of approx. 610.4 earth masses or 1.92 Jupiter masses.

See also

Web links