Tracy Strong

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Tracy Strong (born August 6, 1887 in Mount Vernon , Ohio , † March 3, 1968 in Olympia , Washington ) was an American Protestant clergyman.


Strong graduated from Oberlin College in 1908 . He was a representative of the liberal Socia Gospel movement. His work for the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) began working with youth in Seattle . From 1926 to 1938 he was Secretary General of the World Committee of the YMCA and then Managing Director of the YMCA organized prisoner of war War Prisoners' Aid . In 1953 he retired, but remained active in an advisory capacity for the association.

As a visiting professor, he taught missions at the Federated Theological Seminary in Chicago and four years of history and philosophy at the YMCA at George Williams College in Chicago.

In the summer of 1967 he and his wife moved to the Panorama City senior citizens' residence in Olympia, where he died in March 1968.



  • Charles Howard Hopkins: History of the YMCA in North America -Association Press, 1951