Traditional Zwickau express train

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The traditional Zwickau express train is a set of historic pre-war cable cars that the Deutsche Reichsbahn put together in 1977 in accordance with the ordinance of the GDR Ministry of Transport dated March 1, 1975. Originally the train was based in Greifswald . In the absence of interest from the local railway workers, the train set was handed over to the Zwickau depot and to the local model railway club. The train set was looked after there for years. Today the train is run by the members of the Traditionszug Berlin e. V. , based in the former Berlin-Schöneweide depot and comes with locomotives from the Dampflokfreunde Berlin e. V. , for use.


The fleet comprised five type C4i express train wagons for 3rd class , a BCi express train wagon for 2nd and 3rd class and a Mitropa type 35 dining car and a matching baggage car for supplies and companions. In the past, a historic rail mail car was occasionally provided.

The cars were refurbished in 1984 by the Delitzsch State Railroad Repair Works and the Gotha State Railroad Repair Works, and the exterior was restored to the original condition of the Deutsche Reichsbahn . Some of the cars have also been reconstructed inside. The 3rd class compartments received wooden seats, among other things. After the fall of the Wall , the vehicles became the property of the Nuremberg Transport Museum and were parked outdoors in Nuremberg for years .

Five cars (three express train cars, the dining car and the baggage car) were therefore given to the Traditionszug Berlin e. V. handed over on loan, which uses these cars in special trains . The steam locomotive of the class 03.10 (03 1010) of the Bw Halle P and the diesel locomotive of the class 119 (119 158-4 submarine) of the Dampflokfreunde Berlin eV , but occasionally also 52 8177-9 of the same association, were used here. However, in 2008 the deadlines for the wagons expired one after the other. Since then only could Mitropa - dining car and two Eilzugwagen be reprocessed. The other cars have since been parked in the Berlin-Schöneweide depot and are waiting for restoration, for which the association continues to collect donations.


  • Claus Burghardt, Wolfgang Hensel, Wolf-Dietger Machel: Museum railroad car between the Baltic Sea and the Ore Mountains . Transpress, 1991, ISBN 3-344-70724-8 .

Web links

  • BMD vehicles. In: