Tramway des Mines du Zaccar

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Tramway des Mines du Zaccar
Arrival of a train in Miliana
Arrival of a train in Miliana
Route of the Tramway des Mines du Zaccar
Route length: 9 km
Gauge : 750 mm ( narrow gauge )
0 Miliana-Margueritte ( PLM )
3 Righa
5 l'Oued Azif
7th le Petit Drapeau
8th Oued Anasseur
9 Miliana

The Tramway des Mines du Zaccar or Tramway de Miliana-Margueritte was a nine-kilometer, steam- and diesel - powered narrow-gauge railway from the PLM station Miliana-Margueritte to the iron ore mines at Mont Zaccar in Miliana , Algeria . It had a track width of 750 mm.

Prehistory and foundation

On September 16, 1874, the governor issued a 17-year general license for the mining rights to Messrs. Dupin and Allemand. During this time, the mines extracted and delivered part of the high-quality iron ore for the Eiffel Tower , which was built from 1887 to 1889, to the Fould-Dupont forge in Pompey near Nancy . On March 5, 1888, the Giraud brothers, two bankers from Oran , were granted an extension of this license until July 1, 1906.

On March 22, 1904, the public limited company called Société des Mines du Zaccar was founded in Paris . The purpose of the company was the exploitation of the mineral deposits and the construction and operation of all railways necessary for the transport of ores and metals for a period of 60 years.


Rail transport
Office and coach house

Operations began on October 7, 1904, initially producing an average of 300 tons of iron ore per day. In 1905, production was already 87,879 tons. The railway line was released for public use on September 18, 1908 and was in public use from October 14, 1909. The transport volume rose to a maximum of 227,000 tons per year by 1912. In 1927, a record 293,870 t were dismantled.

The steam locomotive Jeanne could pull six large, funnel-shaped iron wagons filled with ore. These wagons had a movable floor and each carried 5 to 10 tons. The Societe Anonyme des Mines du Zaccar put one of the first BB Garratt locomotives into operation in 1912 . On August 4, 1926, a decree was issued, according to which the re-concession and change of the operating conditions of the light railroad from Miliana to Margueritte made on December 24, 1925 by the Prefect of Algiers was approved.

The underground mine employed up to 2,000 workers, or about one in four workers in the town of Miliana. The mine and its railroad were decommissioned on December 31, 1975.

Rail vehicles

Old diesel locomotive in Miliana
No. Surname Manufacturer Factory no. Construction year Whyte wheel arrangement and drive
1 Miliana Saint-Léonard N ° 1379 1903 0-4-0T steam locomotive
2 Château-Ronsin Saint-Léonard N ° 1380 1903 0-4-0T steam locomotive
3 Jeanne Saint-Léonard N ° 1430 1904 0-4-0T steam locomotive
4th Zaccar Saint-Léonard N ° 1510 1910 Société des Mines du Zaccar, Tramway Miliana-Marguerite, 0-4-0T steam locomotive No 4, 'Zaccar', Saint-Léonard, N ° 1510 of 1910.jpg
0-4-0T steam locomotive
5 Marguerite Saint-Léonard N ° 1781 1912 Société des Mines du Zaccar No 5, Marguerite, Saint-Léonard, No 781, 1912 0-4-0 + 0-4-0T Garratt Steam Locomotive.jpg
0-4-0 + 0-4-0T Garratt steam locomotive
6th Kerr, Stuart and Company N ° 3121 1918 0-4-0T steam locomotive
7th Kerr, Stuart and Company N ° 3122 1918 0-4-0T steam locomotive
8th Adélie Forges Usines et Fonderies du Haine-Saint-Pierre N ° 1752 1936 0-4-0 + 0-4-0T Garratt steam locomotive
9 Pierre-Noire Forges Usines et Fonderies du Haine-Saint-Pierre N ° 1783 1937 0-4-0 + 0-4-0T Garratt steam locomotive
130-1 Gmeinder N ° 4040 1943 Diesel locomotive
130-2 Gmeinder 1943 Diesel locomotive
130-3 Gmeinder 1943 Diesel locomotive
200-1 CFD workshops in Montmirail N ° CFD C 106 A 1949 Conversion of a 0-4-0T steam locomotive
with a 180 hp Willème diesel engine
200-2 CFD workshops in Montmirail N ° CFD C 106 B 1949 Conversion of a 0-4-0T steam locomotive
with a 180 hp Willème diesel engine
200-3 CFD workshops in Montmirail N ° CFD C 106 C 1949 Conversion of a 0-4-0T steam locomotive
with a 180 hp Willème diesel engine
250-4 CFD workshops in Montmirail N ° CFD C 125 1952
250-5 CFD workshops in Montmirail N ° CFD C 180 1953
250-6 CFD workshops in Montmirail N ° CFD C 870 1961 Conversion of a 0-4-0 steam locomotive
with a 300 hp Poyaud engine

Literature and art

Abdelkader Hadj-Hamou (* 1891 in Miliana; † 1953) described a trip on the tram in his book Zhora, la femme du Mineur in 1925 . He was the son of the honorary judge of the city of Miliana, court interpreter, professor of Arabic and chairman of the Grand Mosque for almost 20 years.

The Dutch painter Bart van der Leck made extensive studies of the mines and their rail vehicles, which were purchased, archived and exhibited by the German-Dutch art collector Helene Kröller-Müller .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Abdelkader Hadj-Hamou: Zhora, la femme du Mineur. 1925.
  2. ^ Jim Fergusson: Algeria Railways - Passenger Stations & Stops. SL 74, Rev. 4, 2002.
  3. a b c d Jean-Pierre Vergez-Larrouy: Miliana-Marguerite: l'autre ligne francaise en voie de 75 In: Voie libre N ° 15 of April, May, June 2001 pp. 11 and pp. 12-13
  4. ^ Wonders of the World: Choice of the iron for the Eiffel tower. Retrieved January 13, 2018.
  5. ^ PP: Fould-Dupont principal fourisseur d'Eiffel. L'Est Républicain, May 4th 2014.
  6. ^ Francis Laur: Les mines et usines en 1889: étude compète sur l'exposition universelle de 1889. p. 399.
  7. a b Constitution Mines du Zaccar. Cote de la Bourse et de la banque, June 7, 1904.
  8. Le trafic de la houille et des minerais de fer à Alger L'Écho des mines et de la métallurgie, September 7, 1905.
  9. Mines de fer de Fillols. Le Journal des finances, June 16, 1906.
  10. Mines du Zaccar. 5, r. Jules-Lefebvre, Paris. In: Auguste Pawlowski: Annuaire des mines et minerais métalliques de France et d'Algérie, Annuaires industriels Heudelot, Paris, 1919, p. 128.
  11. Mines de fer de Fillols. In: Le Journal des finances, June 14, 1929.
  12. Les Mines du Zaccar.
  13. a b A.E. Durrant (translated and edited by Wolfgang Stoffels): Garratt locomotives of the world. Springer-Verlag, 2013. pp. 23 and 99
  14. Pictures of Garratt Locomotives - 1.
  15. ^ Share of the SA des Mines du Zaccar.
  16. Algérie Lois, décrets, arrêtés. In: Les Annales coloniales, August 12, 1926.
  17. a b Mohamed Landjerit: Miliana se raconte… Boq Lermiz (La sirène de la remise). ( WayBackMachine )
  18. Latifa Abada: Miliana: Nos ancêtres les mineurs. 18th September 2017
  19. JDH Smith: Mines du Zaccar steam locomotives.
  20. Gadames: Le petit train de Miliana. February 9, 2018.
  21. Bart van der Leck: Kröller-Müller Collection: 'Mijnen bij Zaccar, Noord Afrika' (39 works).

Coordinates: 36 ° 18 ′ 36.4 "  N , 2 ° 17 ′ 23.6"  E