Bart van der Leck

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Bart van der Leck (1956)

Bart Anthony van der Leck (born November 26, 1876 in Utrecht , † November 14, 1958 in Blaricum ) was a Dutch modern painter.


After training as a glass painter, he studied at the Rijksschool voor Kunstnijheid and from 1900 to 1904 at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam . His early drawings are influenced by impressionism , v. a. by George Breitner and Ismaël. In 1917 he founded together with Piet Mondrian , Theo van Doesburg a . a. the De Stijl movement and in this environment, in cooperation with the other artists, developed increasingly abstract forms. The reduction to primary colors from 1916 onwards was a drastic step. In contrast to Mondrian, however, van der Leck never completely abandoned realism. Van der Leck exerted a decisive influence on the development of De Stijl's characteristic aesthetics, but soon broke away from the group to pursue his own path. Outside of the Netherlands he was hardly known until the 1990s and was always in the shadow of Mondrian. His most important collector was (from 1916 to 1918) Helene Kröller-Müller .


  • Overzicht van het Levenswerk van Bart van der Leck , edition of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam 1949
  • G. van Tuyl, E. van Straaten: Bart van der Leck, painter of modernism , Wolfsburg 1994

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Individual evidence

  1. Kenneth Frampton: Die Architektur der Moderne , Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3421030757