Trans America Trail

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The Trans America Trail (or TAT for short ) is an approximately 8,000 km continental vehicle route that traverses the United States of America with a minimum of paved roads. It is intended for hobby endurists and off-road fans.

The route was initially explored and compiled by Sam Correro over a period of 12 years. The legality is continuously ensured through the use of public roads and paths.


The original route starts in eastern Tennessee and passes through Mississippi , Arkansas including the Ozarks , Oklahoma , New Mexico , Colorado , Utah , Idaho and ends on the Oregon coast .

The eastern part of the route consists mainly of farm and forest trails, the difficulty of which increases near the southern Rocky Mountains , where some high passes are crossed. This is followed by the Utah Desert, Sawtooth National Park in Idaho and Deschutes National Park in Oregon.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Trans-Am Trail - TransAmTrail - TransAmTrail .
  2. If You Go: Advice on the Trans America Trail . September 12, 2012.