Dream communication

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Dream communication

description Journal for sharing dream experiences
Area of ​​Expertise Esoteric / psychology
language German
publishing company Dark Flower Verlag (Germany)
First edition 1998
attitude 1999
ZDB 1469936-9

Traum.Communikation - magazine for the exchange of dream experiences was a German magazine for dream and dream interpretation .


Traum.Communikation was published in 1998/99 with three small editions. The magazine was sold nationwide through the relevant bookstores and via subscriptions to Austria and Switzerland. The retail price was DM 10. The special-interest magazine took up the subject of dreams with a few fixed headings and a main topic in each issue. A forum for the exchange of dream experiences was also run on the Traum.Communikation website. Here dreams could be posted and discussed directly with others.

Fixed rubrics

The following categories were firmly anchored in the magazine:

  • Die Oneironauten: Articles about lucid dreaming
  • Symbol sheet and reader games: Overviews of individual symbols and techniques for dream work or competitions with the task of working on a dream.
  • Overview of seminars and courses in Germany and neighboring countries
  • Letters to the editor
  • Book excerpts

Web links