Marianne Baudler

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Marianne Baudler (born April 27, 1921 in Stettin ; † March 5, 2003 in Davos ) was a German chemist and professor of inorganic and analytical chemistry at the University of Cologne from 1968 to 1986.


Important stations in Baudler's life were:


Work areas were chemistry of non-metals, especially the chemistry of phosphorus (phosphines and compounds with at least one phosphorus-phosphorus bond). The analysis and characterization of the substances was carried out with the aid of IR and Raman spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy .

Awards and memberships

Science awards


Individual evidence

  1. M. Baudler and K. Glinka, Chem. Rev. 1993, 93, 1623.
  2. Hahn, J .: Nachr. Chem., 2003 , 51 , p. 955.
  3. Marianne Baudler: Investigations on di-phosphoric acids: Sim. e. Contribution to knowledge d. Phosphorus-Phosphorus-Bindg. Habilitation, Cologne, 1959.
  4. ^ University of Cologne: Historisches
  5. ^ Römpp Chemie-Lexikon, 9th edition, Thieme, Stuttgart 1992.
  6. Member entry of Marianne Baudler at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on October 24, 2012.