Sweet Rose (painter)

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Gertrud "Traute" Rose (* 1903 as Gertrud Süssenbach , † 1989 in Bremerhaven ) was a German painter and photographer. She became known as the model of the painter Lotte Laserstein .

Traute Rose spent her childhood in Berlin and initially trained in dance gymnastics and breathing gymnastics with Elsa Gindler and expressive dance with Mary Wigman from 1926 to 1928 . She lived in the Allgäu from 1928 to 1930 before returning to Berlin in 1930. There followed a one-year training as a photographer, after which she worked as a freelance portrait photographer. Through her friendship with the painter Lotte Laserstein, whom she met in 1925 and whose preferred model she became, she also devoted herself to art.

In 1933 she married the writer Ernst Rose . From 1942 to 1944 she stayed as a ski instructor in Bad Hindelang . After the Second World War, she moved to Bederkesa , where she worked as an artist from now on. In 1956 they moved first to Langen and later to Bremerhaven. She went on study trips to Italy, Sweden, France, Greece and Spain and sent exhibitions in Bremerhaven and Worpswede .

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