Tremulicerus tremulae

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Tremulicerus tremulae
Tremulicerus cf. tremulae

Tremulicerus cf. tremulae

Subordination : Risso cicadas (Cicadomorpha)
Superfamily : Membracoidea
Family : Dwarf cicadas (Cicadellidae)
Subfamily : Winker cicadas (Idiocerinae)
Genre : Tremulicerus
Type : Tremulicerus tremulae
Scientific name
Tremulicerus tremulae
( Estlund , 1796)

Tremulicerus tremulae , also known as Small aspen Winkerzikade known, a leafhopper from the subfamily of Winker cicadas (Idiocerinae).


The cicadas are 5–6 mm long. A wide, dark, evenly wide band runs across the forewings. This is lined with two light-colored cross bars, which have white wing veins. This pattern makes it easy to distinguish Tremulicerus tremulae from other species of cicada. The face of the males is whitish, while in the females it is maroon in color. One or more white line drawings run lengthways across the pronotum .


The species is represented in large parts of Europe, mainly in Northern Europe and in the Alps. The species occurs locally in the British Isles and is limited to southern England and Wales.

Way of life

Tremulicerus tremulae can be found on aspens (quaking aspen), white and black poplars and birches ( betula ). The cicadas suckle on the leaves and stems of these trees. The adults of a generation fly from June / August until November. The cicada overwinters as an egg.


The following synonyms are known from the literature :

  • Cicada tremulae Estlund , 1796


The species name tremulae is derived from the scientific name of the aspen ( Populus tremula ).

Individual evidence

  1. German names for small cicadas (Cicadellidae) species . Retrieved December 26, 2016.
  2. a b c d e Small aspen wicker cicada . Retrieved December 26, 2016.
  3. a b c d e Frieder Sauer: Sauer's nature guide recognized bugs and cicadas from color photos . Fauna, Keltern 1996, ISBN 3-923010-12-5 .
  4. a b c d e f g h Idiocerus tremulae . British bugs. Retrieved December 26, 2016.
  5. Hémiptères du Gard - Tremulicerus tremulae (Estlund, 1796) . Retrieved December 26, 2016.
  6. ^ Database of Insects and their Food Plants - Idiocerus tremulae (Estlund) . Biological Records Center (BRC). Retrieved December 26, 2016.
  7. Habitat Aspen ( Populus tremula ) (PDF 913 KB) Retrieved December 26, 2016.
  8. Tremulicerus tremulae in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved December 26, 2016


  • Frieder Sauer: Sauer's nature guide recognized bugs and cicadas from color photos . Fauna, Keltern 1996, ISBN 3-923010-12-5 .

Web links

Commons : Tremulicerus tremulae  - collection of images, videos and audio files