Trilogy of the forgotten writers

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Trilogy of the forgotten writers is a literary theater series of the German theater group Art and Drama .


The theatrical literature series is a concept created by the art and drama cultural group in September 2016 to commemorate poets and writers who are increasingly being forgotten. On December 7, 2016, the first part of the series premiered at the Lindau City Theater .

The theater productions

William Becher - Life and Work in Lindau

William Becher - Life and Work in Lindau

First performed at the Lindau City Theater in collaboration with the grandson of the writer Frank Becher, the Ludwig-Michael-Felder Archive in Bregenz, the Lindau City Library and the Lindau Cultural Office under the direction of Alexander Warmbrunn. Friederike Pöhlmann-Grießinger directed. Roland Eugen Beiküfner in the role of William Becher. As the narrator, Friederike Pöhlmann-Grießinger accompanied the play with biographical chronicles and historical facts. This performance was musically framed by Johanna Eras from the German Medical Orchestra on the cello.

Gisela Elsner - Perspective 2017/2018

Gisela Elsner - Blickwinkel 2017

Gisela Elsner - Blickwinkel 2017/2018 was written by Friederike Pöhlmann-Grießinger and Roland Eugen Beiküfner on the occasion of Gisela Elsner's 80th birthday and premiered on December 6, 2017 in the Literaturzentrum Nord in Nuremberg. The play, which is technically inexpensive, deals with the life and work of the writer Gisela Elsner (May 2, 1937 to May 13, 1992) in one act. British jazz musician James Michel from Oxford accompanied the world premiere with his own compositions on the electric bass. The plot of the play: The journalist Ludwig Gernhard and his secretary Edda Schmidt are commissioned to write an annual review for the North Bavarian Mirror. While doing research, they come across the 80th birthday of the Nuremberg writer Gisela Elsner. Based on Gisela Elsner's books, literary reviews, notes and contemporary documents, Ludwig Gernhard and Edda Schmidt take a very personal look at the artist's time. Influences and motivations of her creative work are re-illuminated through research and critical considerations.

Paula Ludwig - friendships and ways

Photo from the play Paula Ludwig - friendships and ways with Friederike Pöhlmann-Grießinger and Roland Eugen Beiküfner

The musical theater piece with projections by and with Friederike Pöhlmann-Grießinger and Roland Eugen Beiküfner about the life and work of the poet and painter Paula Ludwig (January 5, 1900 - January 27, 1974) is a fictional story about the executive film producer Karl Gustav and the Actress Hanna Stoll. Waiting for decisions by funding bodies, further appointments and scripts, the two start to approach Paula Ludwig from her roots using antiquarian books, literary reviews, notes and other sources of information and to rehearse texts and scenes on a trial basis. The production was created in collaboration with the Franz Michael Felder archive in Bregenz. The world premiere on April 6, 2018 in the Theater am Saumarkt under the direction of Sabine Benzer was musically accompanied by Johanna Eras on cello and Thomas Müller on violin.

Title protection

Since November 10, 2017, “Art and Drama” has claimed title protection in accordance with Section 5 (3) of the Trademark Act for

  • Trilogy of the forgotten writers
  • William Becher - Life and Work in Lindau
  • Gisela Elsner - Perspective 2017/2018
  • Paula Ludwig - friendships and ways

since June 24, 2018

  • Veritas Literature Prize