Tristan de Moneins

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Tristan de Moneins , Baron et Seigneur de l'Abbaye Laïque de Monein (* around 1504 , † August 20, 1548 in Bordeaux ) was a French military man under Henry II of France.

Live and act

He was born into a noble family from Béarn and was the son of Gaston de Moneins who fought next to Francis I of France in Pavia in 1525 and was killed there.

Tristan was appointed Chamberlain to King Henry II of Navarre, Chambellan du Roi de Navarre , was Governor of Navarrenx , Seneschal of Béarn, then Lieutenant General in Guyenne . He was married to Madeleine de Sainte-Colome and later to Françoise de Lomagne.

When the Château Trompette in Bordeaux was besieged by the Bordelais , the inhabitants of the city, in 1548 when they were in rebellion on the occasion of an increase in the Gabelle , he was killed by the angry crowd when he advocated negotiations ( lynching ). The angry crowd desecrated his corpse, bleeding his dying body to death , peeling it off, and chopping it up to bury it with salt .

Michel de Montaigne was a fifteen-year-old witness to this event, his father Pierre Eyquem de Montaigne was a magistrate in the city at the time, jurat de la ville told it in the Essais (I, 23), but without directly mentioning the name Tristan de Moneins.

This murder was the same year by the executive by Anne de Montmorency prosecuted and punished: He forced the Juraten and the personalities of the city, the body of Moneins with her fingernails digging around him at the most visible point of the choir in the cathedral of Bordeaux to bury .


  • Sarah Bakewell : How should I live ?: or The Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Answers. CH Beck, Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-40663-970-8 ( [5] on
  • François-Alexandre Aubert de la Chesnaye des Bois: Dictionnaire de la noblesse, contenant les généalogies, l'histoire & la chronologie des familles nobles de la France, l'explication de leurs armes, & l'état des grandes terres du royaume. Antoine Boudet, Paris 1775 ( [6] on

Individual evidence

  1. Hugues Paucot: Les governor lieutenant et du Roi de Navarrenx, - de la construction des remparts à la révolution de 1789 -. ( [1] on here p. 4
  2. Genealogical information about Tristan II de Moneins [2]
  3. Philippe Desan : Montaigne: A Life. Princeton University Press, 2019, ISBN 978-0-69118-300-8 , pp. 38-39
  4. Genealogical information about Gaston de Moneins [3]
  5. ^ Biancamaria Fontana : Montaigne's Politics: Authority and Governance in the Essais. Princeton University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-1-400-82-451-9 , p. 104 ( [4] on