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The Trudowiki ( Russian Трудовики́ , or Трудова́я гру́ппа Trudowaja Gruppa , Eng. "Party (group) of labor") refers to a faction of the Democrats of the Duma , which was formed by peasants and members of the intelligentsia as part of the Narodniki movement.

It was established in 1906 as an organization for the farmers' deputies of the First State Duma. They demanded the rule of the people (without commenting on the tsarist rule), universal suffrage, democratic freedoms and the handover of the lands, including those of the landlords, to the peasants, as well as the nationalization of the entire land, with the exception of the peasant plots and private land, as far as possible could be edited by its owner himself. After the Duma was dissolved in July 1906, parts of the Trudoviki supported the Vyborg Manifesto , a call for civil disobedience.

The Bolsheviks welcomed the formation of the Trudoviki as the germ of a peasant party, but criticized their ideas about the question of large landed property. The Trudowiki were represented by ten deputies in the IV Reich Duma (1912 to 1917). The parliamentary group was chaired by Alexander Fyodorowitsch Kerensky , who joined the Social Revolutionary Party after the February Revolution of 1917 . With the beginning of the First World War the "Trudowiki" became part of the group of " Fatherland Defenders ".

After the February Revolution of 1917 , they activated their activities. The Trudowiki Central Committee included Leontii Moissejewitsch Bramson , MJ Beresin, WW Vodowosow, PB Schaskolski, WB Stankewitsch and OF Znamensky. The 5th party congress of the Trudowiki from 7./20. April to 11./24. April 1917 passed a new program according to which the Trudowiki referred to themselves as the "socialist party".

In this program they called for the establishment of a democratic republic and the convocation of the Russian Constituent Assembly and upheld the principle of national self-determination while maintaining state unity. In their decisions on the agrarian question they stuck to their earlier positions.

The 6th Congress of the Trudoviki of 17 jul. / June 30, 1917 greg. until June 21 jul. / 4th July 1917 greg. decided to unite with the Narodniki Socialists into one party. The association was founded on the 1st All-Russian Party Congress of the Trudovist People's Socialist Party on July 17th . / June 30, 1917 greg. until June 23rd jul. / July 6, 1917 greg. completed, which was to represent the wealthy peasantry. Within this party, the Trudoviki actively supported the Provisional Government . In the October Revolution and during the Civil War they were in opposition to the Bolsheviks.

See also