Truncal hyperhidrosis

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As trunkale hyperhidrosis excessive sweating on is body called (especially on the back). Although this type of hyperhidrosis is relatively rare, it is just as stressful for those affected as increased secretion of sweat on hands and feet.


Sweating is a natural reaction of the body and is used for thermoregulation . This means that the body temperature is reduced by the secretion of sweat and its evaporation on the skin. So when the outside temperature is high or during physical exertion, people sweat so as not to overheat. In addition to perspiration on the torso (or back) due to temperature changes, the following triggers are also possible:

In addition to these causes of sweating, pathological triggers for truncal hyperhidrosis are also possible. These include:


In order to determine whether sweating on the trunk is pathological, a personal patient survey , the so-called anamnesis, is carried out . In this way, the doctor can determine whether there is generalized hyperhidrosis (i.e. sweating all over the body) or focal hyperhidrosis and only some parts of the body, such as armpits or hands, are affected. He can also identify possible triggers here, such as an unhealthy lifestyle or persistent nervousness.


One way of reducing the sweat stains on the back is, for example, antiperspirants with aluminum chloride. These reduce the activity of the sweat glands and thus curb the release of sweat. Antiperspirants are available in the form of sprays, creams or as wipes that can be used on the torso. Furthermore, the coming iontophoresis as a treatment option considered. The affected parts of the body are placed in a water bath or provided with sponges soaked in water. A voltage source then generates a weak direct or pulsed current so that a current can flow over the affected areas of the body. In addition to these methods, some home remedies are also recommended for heavy sweating and hyperhidrosis on the trunk. This includes:

  • Apple cider vinegar (dab sweaty areas with it)
  • Sage (drink a cup of sage tea three times a day)
  • Fenugreek (tincture from the pharmacy as a bath additive)
  • Walnut leaves (brew tea from leaves and drink a cup three times a day)

Also, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is recommended as a home remedy for sweating. Mix the soda powder with water so that it forms a paste. Then apply this paste to the affected areas and wash off after a quarter of an hour.


To reduce sweat stains, some preventive measures are recommended:

  • Use a shoulder bag instead of a backpack
  • Apply the onion principle (wear light clothing in several layers)
  • choose airy, loose clothes in summer

Clothing with a high percentage of cotton and linen also reduces unpleasant sweat odor.


Falk, GB et al. (2009): abnormal sweating. A guide for those affected and their families. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 97-102.

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Sources and individual references

  1. Stattkus, Dieter: Help, I'm sweating! Norderstedt: Books on demand GmbH 2006, pp. 47-52.
  2. Blaschek, Wolfgang: Wichtl-Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH 2016. S. 580.