Tsamkxao ǂ Grandma

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Tsamkxao ǂOma , also known as Chief Bobo (* 20th century in South West Africa ), has been the first traditional leader of the Juǀ'Hoansi in Namibia since 1998. He bears the title ǂH'Ahai or ǁ'Aiha and heads the traditional administration of the Juǀ'Hoan .

Tsamkxao ǂ Grandma effectively took power from his father ≠ Grandma Tsamkxao , who was never officially recognized.


  1. Note: This article contains characters from the alphabet of the Khoisan languages spoken in southern Africa . The display contains characters of the click letters ǀ , ǁ , ǂ and ǃ . For more information on the pronunciation of long or nasal vowels or certain clicks , see e.g. B. under Khoekhoegowab .


  • Megan Biesele, Robert K. Hitchcock: The Ju / 'hoan San of Nyae Nyae and Namibian Independence: Development, Democracy, and Indigenous Voices in Southern Africa , Berghahn Books, Oxford 2011, ISBN 978-1-84545-756-3 , p 29ff.

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predecessor Office successor
≠ Grandma Tsamkxao Traditional leader of the Juǀ'Hoansi
( Traditional leaders of the San )