Tschubek irrigation system

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Map of the region with the Amu Darya river system, the source river Pandsch (Piandj) can be seen, in the west the city of Kulob

The Tschubek irrigation system ( English Chubek Irrigation System , CIS for short ) is a canal system in southern Tajikistan that is supposed to bring water from the Pandsch River to the intensively used agricultural regions in the south of the country.


The Pandsch is a very water-rich river, which is the main source of the Amu Darya . The regions in southern Tajikistan are supplied with water from the water-rich catchment area of ​​the Pandsch, which is then used for agriculture. The need for water in the southern districts is particularly high in the summer months. The CIS drains around 4.5% of the water from the Pandsch River each year.


The climate in the region is crucial for the need for an irrigation system. There is pronounced precipitation only in the months from December to May, in summer temperatures over 40 ° Celsius are reached and there is hardly any precipitation. During this time, agriculture was heavily dependent on the water of the CIS.

Existing irrigation system

The existing irrigation system dates from the time of Soviet rule in Tajikistan, the main canal was completed in 1950, and the system was expanded further by 1987. The main canal has a capacity of 150 m³ of water per second. The system is used to irrigate 50,163 hectares of land in Farkhor , Hamadoni , Vose and Kulob districts . 71% of the water is distributed by gravity irrigation and 29% by pumps. Spread across the served districts, Farkhor has the largest area irrigated:

Irrigation by district
District irrigated area Of it by pumping
Farkhor 24,548 hectares 24%
Hamadoni 16 508 hectares 0%
Vose 8,740 hectares 93%
Kulob 367 hectares 100%

Originally the system was based only on gravity, but in order to reach higher regions, such as the Kulob located at 580 meters above sea level, pumps were built into the irrigation network as early as the Soviet times.


The Tajik government has launched a project to modernize the Chubek irrigation system, and applications have been made for funding from the Asian Development Bank and the Green Climate Fund . The main objective is to increase the efficiency of agriculture in the affected regions, especially with regard to water use. A central problem is the blockage of the canals by sedimentary rock, which is to be removed as part of the project. In addition, further canals are to be built to ensure the water supply in other regions:

Projects by district
District Length of new ducts in m Costs in $
Farkhor 76 140 1,400,000
Hamadoni 23 216 650,000
Vose 7 359 170,000
Kulob 70 13

Modern drainage systems are planned to increase the efficiency of water use . In addition, the existing pumps are to be modernized in order to be able to ensure supply, especially in times of high demand in the summer months.

The implementation of the plans is to be approached in cooperation with the national office for land reclamation and irrigation and the authority for water resources management. The project is also supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and non-governmental organizations . The project is expected to be Template: future / in 2 yearsfully completed in early 2023 .

Individual evidence

  1. Hydrology / Sedimentation Specialist for Water Resources Management in Pyanj River Basin in Tajikistan | Devex. Retrieved December 2, 2018 .
  2. Climate Kulob: climate table - climate diagram. Retrieved December 2, 2018 .
  3. Asian Development Bank (Ed.): Preliminary Asset Management and Operation and Maintenance Plan of Tschubek Irrigation System . September 2016.
  4. Water Resources Management in Pyanj River Basin | Wecoop. Accessed December 2, 2018 .
  5. Green Climate Fund (Ed.): Water Resources Management in the Pyanj River Basin . 2015.