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Map of Gaul at the time of Caesar (58 BC), with the Tuling population on the right bank of the Rhine, north of the Raurak and Helvetii

The Tulingers ( Latin Tulingi ) were a Celtic tribe that was only mentioned in Gaius Julius Caesar's account of the Gallic War in connection with the Battle of Bibracte in 58 BC. Was mentioned - the mention by Orosius is only a retelling of the report by Caesar. The Romans faced the Celtic tribes of the Helvetii , Boier , Tulinger, Latobriger and Rauraker in battle . According to older accounts, the reason for the battle of Bibracte was the emigration of these tribes to Gaul in order to settle there. More recent research is increasingly questioning this representation. There is much to suggest that the "emigration" of the Tulingers, along with other Celtic tribes such as the Helvetii, is more likely to be seen as a campaign or as a partial emigration of smaller tribal groups, while at least the settlements and places of worship of the Helvetians showed unbroken continuity and vitality.

After the defeat in the Battle of Bibracte, Caesar asked the tribes to return to their old homes. Still, Caesar explains that according to a census, only 110,000 people have returned to the areas they had previously left. The losses in battle and the apparent migration of parts of these Celtic tribes left empty space in the old settlement area. This could now be colonized by the returned parts of the tribes. In relation to the Helvetians, the Tulinger, Boier, Latobriger and Rauraker were only small tribes. It is known where Switzerland (Helvetier) and Bavaria (Boier) are today. It can therefore be assumed that parts of the Latobriger, Tulinger and Rauraker tribes settled in Switzerland, Austria and Germany and mixed with the Helvetians and Boians.


  • Gaius Julius Caesar, The Gallic War 1, 5,4 ; 25.6 ; 28.3 ; 29.2
  • Orosius, Historiae adversum Paganos 6,7,5


Web links

Gilbert Kaenel : Tulinger [Tulingi]. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .