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The term Tydenseal or Tyden Seal, also Tydenplombe, refers to a metal plug-in seal . It is produced as a standard version for companies or as a customs seal . The dimensions of the 0.3 mm thick metal band are approximately 215 mm (8.5 inches) long and 9.5 mm (3/8 inches) wide.

This type of seal was invented in 1897 by the Tyden Seal company in Hastings (Michigan) , USA.

Unlike other seals, seals of this type are not pressed together with a piece of lead. They consist u. a. made of sheet metal and work by passing the metal band end through a ball that does not allow retraction. Tydenseals are used in the Community transit system. Special seals are used here with a combination of letters, numbers and characters stamped into the metal neck (e.g. H-123456).

They are mainly used to seal the closures of tarpaulin and box trucks , containers , railway wagons and tank trucks as well as boxes and other packages.

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