Subtitles video

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UT Video Codec Suite
Basic data

developer Takeshi Umezawa
Current  version 19.1.0
(January 21, 2018)
operating system Windows (x86 or x64), OS X
programming language C ++
category free video codec
License GPL

UT Video is a fast, lossless video - codec and was designed by Takeshi Umezawa developed and is under the free GNU General Public License .

UT Video's algorithm is based on the Huffman code .

UT Video was developed as an alternative to HuffYUV that allows for better compression and has been released in both x86 and x64 builds. It can handle the color spaces YUV422 (ULY2), RGB (ULRG), RGBA (ULRA) and most recently also YUV420 (ULY0). Due to its multithreading support , this codec is also able to encode HDTV material in real time. However, this is necessary if the SSE2 instruction set is well supported on the main processor , since Umezawa used this instruction set for optimization.

UT Video uses the following FOURCC codes: ULY0, ULY2, ULRA, ULRG.


The free codec library FFmpeg contains a decoder for UT video so that UT video can be played wherever ffmpeg is installed.

See also

Web links

