Ulf Henning

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Ulf Henning (born September 22, 1929 in Leipzig ; † June 16, 2000 in Tübingen ) was a German biochemist and molecular biologist .

life and work

Ulf Henning was a student of Feodor Lynen in Munich. In 1960 he received a grant from the National Science Foundation for a research stay in the USA and then spent a few years with Charles Yanofsky at Stanford University . There he worked on the research topic colinearity of DNA and protein structure , i.e. the fact that punctual mutations in a gene lead to punctual changes in a protein.

A brief position as an assistant at Lynen was followed by a move to the University of Cologne in 1964, where he completed his habilitation in 1965 with a thesis on the biosynthesis of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in E. Coli .

In 1966 he became director of the Max Planck Institute for Biology in Tübingen. Ulf Henning was a member of the "European Molecular Biology Council" (EMBC) founded in 1969, a science-political association that was supposed to promote the work of the "European Molecular Biology Organization" (EMBO). The aim of these institutions was to promote molecular biology in Europe.


  • Simone Wenkel: Molecular biology in Germany from 1945 to 1975. An international comparison. (PDF; 1.5 MB) In: kups.ub.uni-koeln.de. Kölner UniversitätsPublikationsServer, 2013, accessed on May 12, 2020 (there some comments on Ulf Henning, in particular page 51).
  • Overath, Peter: "Ulf Henning." In: Max Planck Society: Yearbook 2001, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Pp. 877-878.

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to Peter Overath: Ulf Henning.
  2. ^ Simone Wenkel: Ulf Henning. In: Molecular Biology in Germany from 1945 to 1975.
  3. a b c section after: Simone Wenkel: Ulf Henning. In: Molecular Biology in Germany from 1945 to 1975.