Ulrich Seelbach

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Ulrich Seelbach (born October 23, 1952 in Gießen ) is a German early modern researcher , medievalist and university lecturer.

Origin and career

Seelbach studied philosophy, German, political science and Romance studies at the universities of Gießen and Berlin a . a. at Odo Marquard , Hans-Jörg Sandkühler , Niels Kadritzke , Wolfgang Fritz Haug , Helmut Portlethen , and received his doctorate as a Fellow of the studienstiftung 1984 with a thesis on Wernher the Gartenaere (13th c.) at Wolfgang Dittmann . Since 1981 he has taught at the Free University of Berlin at the German Institute. From 1985 to 1993 he held a position as a research assistant in Berlin at the Research Center for Middle German Literature (Head: Hans-Gert Roloff ). From 1994 to 1996 a habilitation grant followed and in 1997 the habilitation in German philology with the thesis "Ludus lectoris. Studies on Johann Fischart's ideal reader". After a professorship in Osnabrück (1998–1999) and a post-doctoral qualification at the University of Osnabrück , he was appointed adjunct professor there in 2003. Since 2002 he has been teaching and researching at Bielefeld University in the field of German Medieval Studies and Historical Linguistics. He has been co-editor since 1999 and editor-in- chief of Daphnis magazine and the Chloe supplement series since 2015 .

Research priorities

The main focus of Seelbach is the editorial and commentary development of the literature of the Middle Ages , the early modern period and baroque literature , especially in Silesia . In addition, he researches the High and Low German written languages in the Middle Ages and Middle Low German , with a focus on the literature and language of Westphalia . In particular, he has dedicated numerous publications to the authors Wernher der Gartenaere , Johann Fischart , Friedrich von Logau , Daniel Czepko and the German " language societies of the Baroque ".


  • Workers', soldiers' and farmers' councils in the Gießen district. Giessen 1983.
  • Late court literature and its reception in the late Middle Ages. Studies on the audience of the 'Helmbrecht' by Wernher dem Gartenaere. Berlin 1987.
  • Commentary on "Helmbrecht" by Wernher the Gartenaere. Göppingen 1987 (= Göppinger works on German studies , 469).
  • Ludus lectoris. Studies on the ideal reader of Johann Fischart. Heidelberg 2000.
  • Catalog of the German-language medieval manuscripts of the University Library Gießen 2012. "Online catalog"


  • The stories from the middle ages. The first German translation of the 'Novellino' from the circles of the fruitful society and the good society. Stuttgart 1985.
  • Wernher der Gartenaere: Helmbrecht. Introduction and translation by Linda B. Parshall. German edition by Ulrich Seelbach. New York, London: Garland 1987.
  • Daniel Czepko. Complete Works. 6 vols. With the collaboration of Ulrich Seelbach ed. by Hans-Gert Roloff and Marian Szyrocki . Berlin, New York 1988–1996.
  • Friedrich von Logau. Rhymes and other works in single prints. Tübingen 1992.
  • Florent et Lyon. Wilhelm Salzmann: Emperor Octavian. Edited by Xenja von Ertzdorff and Ulrich Seelbach. With the collaboration of Christina Wolf. Amsterdam 1993.
  • String playing and poetry. Poems by the Ceres Society in Altdorf (1668–1669). Documents from a student societas poetica. Stuttgart 1993.
  • Jörg Mülich: Description of the holy places in Jerusalem and pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Göppingen: Kümmerle 1993.
  • Nicolaus Avancini SJ: Pietas victrix - The victory of the Pietas. Ed., Translated, introduced and annotated by Lothar Mundt and Ulrich Seelbach. Tübingen 2002.
  • Johann Fischart. Complete Works. Vol. I-III. Edited by US Bern and Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 1993–2012.
  • Wirnt von Grafenberg: Wigalois.Text of the edition by JMN Kapteyn, translated, explained and with an afterword by Sabine Seelbach and Ulrich Seelbach. Berlin, New York 2005. - 2nd, revised edition 2014.


  • Daphnis . Journal for Middle German Literature and Culture of the Early Modern Age
  • Chloe. Supplements to the Daphnis
  • Problems of the Edition of Early Modern Texts. Contributions to the working session of the Commission for the Editing of Early Modern Texts. Edited by Lothar Mundt, Hans-Gert Roloff and Ulrich Seelbach. Tübingen 1992.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar, Vol. 4, 2017, p. 3420