Ulrich Steinhilper

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Ulrich Steinhilper (born September 14, 1918 in Stuttgart ; † October 20, 2009 ) was a German author and the inventor of electronic word processing .

The Stuttgart-born son of a teacher couple grew up in a small village in the Swabian Alb. In 1936, at the age of 17, he applied to the Air Force as a pilot and was accepted. In 1940 he was shot down during World War II, captured and taken to Canada as a prisoner of war. In 1946 he returned to Germany and initially worked as a driver in the US Army. In 1953 he came to IBM Germany, where he became a seller of electric typewriters .

In 1955 he had the idea of ​​electronic word processing as a counterpart to the data processing that was already in use at the time. He created the information rhombus, in which thinking is right at the top, is divided into text and data and ultimately united in word and data processing. At the end of 1955 he submitted a suggestion for improvement (number 9103) with his concept to IBM Germany, for which he received an inventor's fee of DM 25 in 1956.

It was not until 1964 that IBM launched its “Magnetic Type Selectric Typewriter” (MT / ST), in Germany as the “ Magnetic Tape Typewriter ” (MB 72).

In 1972 IBM gave Steinhilper the "World Achievement Award", combined with a flight around the world, for his creation of the term "Word Processing".

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