Ulrich von Berg

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Count Ulrich von Berg (* 1166 ; † 1205 ) came from the von Berg family. The noble family sat at Berg Castle , today a district of Ehingen .


Ulrich von Berg was married to Adelheid, daughter of Margrave Heinrich von Ursin- Ronsberg . Through Adelheid the margrave dignity and the count rights of the Ronsberger came to their son, the count Heinrich III. von Berg and later Margraves of Burgau .


  • Klaus Kraft: The art monuments of Swabia. District of Günzburg 1. City of Günzburg . In: The art monuments of Bavaria. Administrative region of Swabia. Vol. IX. District of Günzburg 1 - City of Günzburg . R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-486-55211-2 , p. 15, note 33.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Ludwig Baumann : History of the Allgäu . First volume, publisher of Jos. Kösel'schen Buchhandlung, Kempten 1883–1894, p. 494.