Ulrich von Erlach

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Ulrich von Erlach, fantasy portrait (1743)

Ulrich von Erlach († 1465 ) was mayor of the city ​​of Bern .


Ulrich von Erlach was born as the son of Burkhard von Erlach and Margaretha Rych von Solothurn. In 1415 he became a member of the Small Council, in 1425 he was one of the federal captains in Domodossola. In 1427 he was bailiff of Baden, in 1446 envoy to Duke Philip of Burgundy. From 1446 he was mayor of Bern four times.

His first marriage was to Verena von Buch, the second to Anna von Spiegelberg and the third to Jonatha von Ligerz.


  • Hans Ulrich von Erlach: 800 years Berner von Erlach. A family story. Benteli, Bern 1989, ISBN 3-7165-0647-8 .
  • Franz Thormann: The Schultheissen pictures of the Bern city library. Bern 1925, No. 1.
  • Urs Martin Zahnd : The educational situation in the Bernese councilors in the late Middle Ages. Distribution, character and function of education in the political leadership of a late medieval city. Bern 1979, p. 113.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Franz Thormann: The Schultheissen pictures of the Bern city library. Bern 1925, No. 1.

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Rudolf Hofmeister Schultheiss of Bern
1446, 1449, 1452, 1455
Heinrich IV von Bubenberg