Wrap angle

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Wrap angle

The wrap angle indicates the contact area in degrees in which one flexible component encloses another, e.g. B. V-belt on a pulley, chain link on a pinion or transport roller of a conveyor belt .

In general, a larger wrap angle allows greater power transmission.

Calculation example of a belt drive

Belt drive with 2 pulleys

Consider a belt drive with two belt pulleys. The belt forms the tangents to both pulleys. The following relationship can be derived using simple trigonometry :


It is the wrapping angle of the smaller gear, the radius of the smaller gear, the radius of the larger wheel and the center distance between the two waves. Furthermore applies


See also


  • Traction drive. In: Waldemar Steinhilper (Hrsg.), Bernd Sauer (Hrsg.): Construction elements of mechanical engineering 2: Fundamentals of machine elements for drive tasks. 6th edition. Springer 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-76653-7 , pp. 571-636. ( Excerpt in the Google book search)
  • Traction mechanism In: Machinelenelemente III - Lecture of the University of Siegen .
  • Title: Book of tables for metalworking: Publisher: Friedrich Technical and table books: Edition number 1011: Year of publication and place: Lage (Lippe), April 1965, Hermannstraße 37: Page 43