Environmental construction supervision

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The environmental construction supervision (UBB) is a person or group appointed by the client who works in an advisory capacity with the construction supervision and construction management without being directly authorized to give instructions to the contractor, except in the case of immediate danger. The environmental construction supervision begins in the construction preparation phase and accompanies the construction project until its completion. Particularly in the case of large, environmentally relevant measures, the aspects that have an impact on people and nature should be taken into account, or a sensitization for these should be achieved. In addition, the control of the timely and above all professional implementation of the environmentally relevant measures is part of the environmental construction supervision. In addition, there is the detection and avoidance of unforeseen impairments.


The environmental construction supervision has to do with various parties involved in its work.

  • It grants the client the environmentally friendly implementation of the measures. To this end, she reports regularly to him .
  • A coordination takes place with the construction supervision , whereby suggestions and information are passed on to them. The construction supervision is obliged to include the environmental construction supervision in the construction process.
  • The construction companies are monitored during their activity . Attention is paid to compliance with environmental requirements and regulations.
  • The environmental construction support informs the public and interest groups. If necessary, a clarification takes place.
  • The construction project is coordinated with the environmental authorities.

In the run-up to the construction project, the environmental construction support checks the implementation documents and the construction schedule for compliance with the environmentally relevant specifications. This also includes the landscape conservation, design, compensation and replacement measures. At the beginning of the construction work, presence on the construction site is required to monitor the construction of the construction site. In the course of the construction process, she controls the construction site both on fixed regular dates and spontaneously. These controls are documented both in writing and with photos and made available to the client.


Since the environmental construction supervision is interdisciplinary, the following requirements should be met: