Union Litzmannstadt

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Union Litzmannstadt
Surname Union Litzmannstadt
Founded 1941 at the latest
resolution 1945
Association headquarters Łódź
Departments Soccer

The Union Litzmannstadt was a sports club in the Polish city ​​of Łódź in the Warthegau, which was annexed by the German Reich in violation of international law .


For the 1941/42 season , the Union took part in the Gauliga Wartheland for the first time and was grouped there in Season 2 . With 10: 4 points, the same number of points was achieved as the SG Ordnungspolizei Litzmannstadt , but due to the poorer goal difference of only 11: 7 compared to the SG with 24: 8, the club only ended up in second place. In the next season , the relays were then merged into a league of ten teams, at the end of which the team was able to achieve third place with 23:13 points. After the 1943/44 seasonWith the eighth place in the table and 9:17 points, the relegation could only just be prevented. At the latest after the end of the war and the reconquest of the Wartheland by the Red Army , the association was then dissolved.


  • Hardy Greens : Encyclopedia of German League Football. Volume 1: From the Crown Prince to the Bundesliga. 1890 to 1963. German championship, Gauliga, Oberliga. Numbers, pictures, stories. AGON-Sportverlag, Kassel 1996, ISBN 3-928562-85-1 .