Unipotent matrix

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In mathematics, a unipotent matrix is a square matrix whose difference to the unit matrix is nilpotent . The unipotent matrices thus represent the unipotent elements in the ring of the square matrices .


A square matrix with entries from a unitary ring is called unipotent if the matrix is nilpotent , that is, if

applies to one . Unipotent matrices are therefore the unipotent elements in the matrix ring with the zero matrix as an identity element and the identity matrix as one element .


A simple example of a unipotent matrix is ​​the matrix


because it applies


A more general example is formed by upper triangular matrices whose main diagonal entries are all equal to 1, i.e. matrices of the form


All such matrices are unipotent because it holds . Furthermore, all matrices that are similar to such a matrix are also unipotent , because it then applies

for any regular matrix .



A square matrix with entries from a body is unipotent if and only if its characteristic polynomial has the form

owns. This is the case if and only if all eigenvalues ​​of the matrix are equal .

Jordan-Chevalley decomposition

Every regular matrix with entries from an algebraically closed field has a multiplicative Jordan-Chevalley decomposition of the form


where are a diagonalizable and a unipotent matrix. Such a decomposition is clear.


The entries of the matrix powers of a real or complex unipotent matrix only grow polynomially in , da

applies, where is nilpotent with nilpotence index . Conversely, if the entries of the matrix powers of a given matrix grow at most polynomially in , the matrix is ​​unipotent.

Logarithm and exponential

After the above series terminates, the matrix logarithm of a real or complex unipotent matrix exists and is itself nilpotent. The following applies to its matrix exponential


Conversely, the matrix exponential of a real or complex nilpotent matrix is unipotent and it applies accordingly



Individual evidence

  1. Ina Kersten: Linear Algebraic Groups . Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2007, p. 66 .
  2. ^ Terence Tao : Structure and Randomness . American Mathematical Society, 2008, pp. 111 .
  3. ^ A b Dennis S. Bernstein: Matrix Mathematics: Theory, Facts, and Formulas . Princeton University Press, 2009, pp. 746 .

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