Regular matrix

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A regular , invertible, or nonsingular matrix is a square matrix in mathematics that has an inverse . Regular matrices can be characterized in several equivalent ways. For example, regular matrices are characterized by the fact that the linear mapping they describe is bijective . Therefore, a linear system of equations with a regular coefficient matrix can always be solved uniquely. The set of regular fixed-size matrices with entries from a ring or body forms with the Matrix multiplication as a link the general linear group .

Not every square matrix has an inverse. A square matrix that has no inverse is called a singular matrix .


A square matrix with entries from a unitary ring (in practice mostly the field of real numbers ) is called regular if another matrix exists such that

holds, where denotes the identity matrix . The matrix here is uniquely determined and is called inverse matrix to . The inverse of a matrix is usually denoted by. If a commutative ring , body or inclined body , then the two conditions are equivalent, that is, a left-inverse matrix is ​​then also right-inverse and vice versa, i.e. the above condition can be weakened by or .


The real matrix

is regular because it has the inverse




The real matrix

is singular, because for any matrix



Equivalent characterizations

Regular matrices over a body

A matrix with entries from a field , for example the real or complex numbers , can be inverted if and only if one of the following equivalent conditions is met:

  • There is a matrix with .
  • The determinant of is not zero.
  • The eigenvalues of are all non-zero.
  • For all of them there is at least one solution of the linear equation system .
  • For all of them there is at most one solution of the linear system of equations .
  • The linear system of equations only has the trivial solution .
  • The row vectors are linearly independent .
  • The row vectors produce .
  • The column vectors are linearly independent.
  • Create the column vectors .
  • By linear described Figure , is injective .
  • By linear described Figure , is surjektiv .
  • The transposed matrix is invertible.
  • The rank of the matrix is the same .

Regular matrices over a unitary commutative ring

More generally, a matrix with entries from a commutative ring with one can be inverted if and only if one of the following equivalent conditions is met:

  • There is a matrix with .
  • The determinant of is a unit in (one also speaks of a unimodular matrix ).
  • There is exactly one solution of the linear equation system for all of them .
  • For all of them there is at least one solution of the linear equation system .
  • The row vectors form a basis of .
  • Generate the row vectors .
  • The column vectors form a basis of .
  • Create the column vectors .
  • By linear described Figure , is a function onto (or even bijective ).
  • The transposed matrix is invertible.

The main difference from the case of a body is thus here that, in general from the injectivity of a linear map no longer their surjectivity (and thus their bijectivity) follows, as the simple example , shows.

Further examples

The matrix

with entries from the polynomial ring has the determinant and can be inverted into . So is regular in ; the inverse is


The matrix

with entries from the remainder class ring has the determinant . Since and not prime are is in not invertible. Hence it is not regular.


If the matrix is regular, then is also regular with the inverse


If the two matrices and are regular, then their product is also regular with the inverse


The set of regular matrices of a fixed size thus forms a (generally non-commutative ) group , the general linear group, with the matrix multiplication as a link . In this group, the identity matrix is ​​the neutral element and the inverse matrix is ​​the inverse element . The truncation rules therefore also apply to a regular matrix



where and are arbitrary matrices of suitable size.


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