University archive Duisburg-Essen

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The University Archive Duisburg-Essen is a department of the University Library Duisburg-Essen . It was founded in 2006 on the decision of the rectorate of the University of Duisburg-Essen, established in 2003 . As a public archive, according to the North Rhine-Westphalia Archives Act, it is responsible for taking over, custody, indexing and making available ( archiving ) of archivable documents of the university including its predecessor institutions. In addition to the official documents, the university archive also collects documents of private origin, such as B. the bequests of professors, photos of pamphlets, posters and pamphlets.


The official holdings of the university archive include, in particular, material and personnel files from the rectorate, senate, commissions, university administration, faculties and central institutions of the University of Duisburg-Essen and its immediate predecessor institutions, the Universities of Duisburg and Essen founded in 1972 . There are also documents from the Duisburg mechanical engineering and smelting school, which moved from Bochum in 1891, to the university archive . The records from the Old University of Duisburg (1655–1818) are now kept in the North Rhine-Westphalia State Archives . The photo collection with over 20,000 pictures is of particular importance. In view of the low age of most of the documents, currently (as of August 11, 2015), due to archival protection periods, only archival material with a term up to the mid-1980s is freely accessible for use.

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