Riots in Maputo 2010

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The unrest in Maputo broke out in Maputo , the capital of Mozambique , on September 1, 2010 in protest against planned price increases for basic food and electricity . There were street battles between police officers and demonstrators, which resulted in deaths and injuries.


The wheat harvest was bad in 2009 and stocks ran out in 2010, which led to a massive price increase on the world market. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the price index for food (FFPI) rose by five percent from July 2010 to August 2010. Food prices reached a high since September 2008. In addition, the Mozambican currency Metical lost 43 percent against the South African rand in the previous months. South Africa is the main importer of staple foods to Mozambique.


The government of Mozambique announced that it would raise the price of bread by 25 percent and that of electricity by 13.4 percent.

The direct trigger of the protests should be a chain SMS with the content: “Mozambicans, look forward to a big day of the strike. Let us protest against the increases in energy, water, minibus taxis and bread prices. Please forward this SMS to other Mozambicans! ”.

An office of the state energy company EDM was devastated during the fighting. There was also looting, arson and destruction. There was sharp shooting and Maputo was partially completely cut off from the outside world by the police and the barricades of the demonstrators. Virtually all stores were closed. There was limited operations at the airport. Businessmen and tourists from South Africa , Portugal and other countries could not leave the country. The demonstrators also destroyed portraits of President Armando Guebuza .


At least 13 people died in the riot. Over 400 were injured.


President Armando Guebuza suspected opposition officials behind the unrest and reported numerous arrests.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Looting and destruction . ORF
  2. a b c SMS triggers protest movement . taz
  3. a b Protest against higher bread and electricity prices . FAZ
  4. Bread riots in Mozambique: ten dead, Linz is stuck . The press