Lower Basel region

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Unterbaselbiet is the name for the western part of the canton of Basel-Landschaft without Laufental , which is smaller in terms of area but larger in terms of population .

Until 1798, the area was subject to the federal town of Basel and also known as the Basler Landschaft. The lower Basel area also differs (or until a few decades ago it differed) linguistically from the other regions of the Basel area, the Upper Basel area and the Laufental.

It is unclear exactly which municipalities make up the Lower Basel region. At its core it certainly consists of the Birseck . Otherwise it is mostly defined by the fact that the Lower Basel region is that part of the canton of Baselland that is not Laufental and not Upper Basel region. These are usually the municipalities of the Arlesheim district , with the municipalities of Muttenz , Birsfelden (both Arlesheim district) and Pratteln and Augst (both Liestal district ) being assigned to the Upper Basel area and the Lower Basel area (see also Upper Basel area ).