Underfloor cargo space

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Passenger compartment above, cargo compartment below (on the Airbus A300)

With underfloor cargo hold is in aircraft cargo space under the passenger cabin called. This means that passengers and freight or mail can be transported at the same time . Even pure cargo planes such as B. the Boeing 747-400F have an underfloor cargo hold. However, the majority of the cargo is carried in these in the upper cargo hold above the underfloor hold.

The cargo is usually in specially formed for the cargo hold containers transported. The most common is the LD3 container, which is used in most wide-body aircraft . If the dimensions of the cargo to be transported are too large for the LD3, it can also be transported on pallets . In this case, the freight must be lashed onto the pallet. Freight that is too high for the underfloor hold (e.g. a large car ) is also transported on pallets on the main freight deck above the underfloor hold.

See also