Ur sulcus

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Ur Sulcus is the name of a broad furrow ( sulcus ) or groove on Jupiter's moon Ganymede . It is located in the area of ​​approximately 35 ° to 60 ° north latitude and 170 ° to 185 ° west longitude on the side of Ganymede facing away from Jupiter , in the north-western area of ​​the Marius Regio , which has many sulci.

Ur sulcus has a length of about 1000 kilometers. In the south it meets the Nippur Sulcus , in the north, connected by a narrow band of light surface material, is an extension of the Philae Sulcus . The partially eroded Kadi crater, for example, is located with a mean diameter of 87 kilometers on the Ur Sulcus at about 47 ° north latitude.

Sulci were formed on Ganymede by tectonic faults. They are located in areas with a relatively young and bright surface. Depressions in the northern Ur Sulcus have a northeast orientation. In younger sulci such as Elam Sulcus and Nippur Sulcus they have a northwest orientation.


The sulcus was given a proper name in 1985 by the International Astronomical Union (IA). It is named after the Mesopotamian city ​​of Ur , where the moon god Nanna was worshiped. An asteroid in the central main belt was also named after Ur in 2001: (22260) Ur .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Patrick Moore , Robin Resse: Patrick Moore's Data Book of Astronomy . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2011, page 195, ISBN 978-0-521-89935-2 .
  2. Ur Sulcus in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature of the IAU (English)
  3. (22260) Ur in the Small-Body Database of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena , California (English)