Urland (game)

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Game data
author Doris Matthäus , Frank Nestel
graphic Doris Matthew
publishing company Games by Doris & Frank
Publishing year 2001
Art Board game
Teammates 3 to 5
Duration 60-90 minutes
Age from 12 years

Urland is a board game by Doris Matthäus and Frank Nestel from 2001. The graphics are also by D. Matthäus. At the German Games Award 2002 it was awarded 15th place.


The game simulates the shore leave of the Ichthyostega (called “Ichtos” in the game). There are three roles in the game, which change clockwise.

role task
Environmental player Choice of the environmental chip, which indicates which land area is scored.
lapwing No
Ichto player (1–3) Improvement of the situation of one's own ichtos through shore leave, reproduction or movement in the water.

First the Ichto players do their two (with three players there is only one Ichto player, he has three actions). Once this has happened, the environmental player reveals his environmental chip and scoring begins. The scoring counts how many Ichtos from each tribe are in that land area, and the Ichtos on the running track next to the playing field move forward. Then the environment chip is placed on the scored land area. When all land areas have been scored, two volcanic eruptions occur . In the game, the area with the most Ichtos causes mass panic several times , and the Ichtos then flee into the water. There are three “mutation fields” on the career path. If these are reached, the players bid for gene cards that give them new actions or improve existing ones. If a player reaches the 30th field of the career, there is still an overall and a country classification, then the game ends.


There is an expansion, the "Urland-Micro-Expansion", which contains 10 new gene cards that have been compiled from suggestions from players.

Web links


  1. http://www.superfred.de/dS.html
  2. http://luding.org/Skripte/GameData.py/DEgameid/14923