Ursula Fricker

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Ursula Fricker (born November 13, 1965 in Schaffhausen ) is a Swiss writer.


Ursula Fricker completed an actor training and was active in social work. She was a co-founder of youth theater groups in Bern and Berlin and u. a. active as an employee of the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the Aargauer Zeitung . She has also published literary works in various Swiss and German magazines. In 1999 she took part in the Ingeborg Bachmann Competition in Klagenfurt . Today she lives near Berlin.

Ursula Fricker is the author of narrative works and reports .

Ursula Fricker was in 1997 with the Alfred Döblin Scholarship of the Berlin Academy of Arts and in 2004 with the price of the Swiss Schiller Foundation Award.

In 2012 Ursula Fricker was nominated for the Swiss Book Prize for her novel Ausser .


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