V446 Herculis

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Double star
V446 Herculis
dates equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Constellation Hercules
Right ascension 18 h 57 m 21.6 s
declination + 13 ° 14 ′ 29 ″
Apparent brightness 18.8 mag
Spectral class Q
Variable star type NA + UG  
Physical Properties
Other names
and catalog entries
Other names V446 Her, Nova Her 1960, AAVSO 1852 + 13

V446 Herculis was a nova that wasfirst observed by Olaf Hasselon March 7, 1960 in the constellation Hercules . It reached a brightness of 2.8 m .

According to the recorded observations, V446 Herculis showed outbursts of brightness at mean intervals of about 23 days with an amplitude of about 1.5 m . These increases in brightness are also unusually small for dwarf nova outbreaks, which indicated that these could be changes in mass transfer.

It turned out, however, that in the previous measurements of the light intensity , the brightness contributions of two other nearby stars at a distance of only 3 angular seconds were not taken into account. After this correction, the amplitude of the eruptions had to be increased to approx. 2.5 m , which corresponds to the values ​​of other known dwarf novae. In addition, the period duration, the rise and fall times, as well as the changes in the amplitude height and width of the measured brightness also imply agreement with the properties of dwarf novae. V446 Herculis shows dwarf nova outbreaks as an immediate aftermath of a nova and is therefore officially classified in the class of cataclysmic binary star systems .

Individual evidence

  1. V * V446 Her. In: SIMBAD . Center de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg , accessed on March 29, 2019 .
  2. a b c V0446 Her. In: VSX. AAVSO , accessed March 29, 2019 .
  3. ^ RK Honeycutt, JW Robertson, and GW Turner, December 17, 1996: V446 Herculis (Nova Her 1960) Is an Optical Triple: Implications for the Resumption of Dwarf Nova Outbursts following the Nova In: The Astrophysical Journal 495 (2): 933 , doi: 10.1086 / 305299 .