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The pre-Romanesque Visigoth church of Valdecebadar is located near Olivenza in the province of Badajoz in Extremadura in Spain and dates from the 7th century.

The ruins of the Iglesia de Valdecebadar , discovered in 1976 and consisting of low wall remains, were examined by Thilo Ulbert (born 1939).

The building is shaped like a Greek cross with arms 18 meters long. An atypical detail in Valdecebadar is the position of the simple door at the lateral southern end of the cruciform floor plan structure with the apse to the east . Also special is a square room, with almost identical dimensions and an unknown purpose, which was added to the southeast of the cross. The original form of the church, its development and its function are unclear. The lack of vertical elements prevents the real structure from being recognized.

In terms of construction technology, disposition and apse shape, the complex is similar to the Church of Mosteiros in Portugal .


  • Pedro de Palol, Gisela Ripoll: Los godos en el occidente europeo. Ostrogodos y visigodos en los siglos V – VIII. Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid, 1988.
  • Jacques Fontaine: El Prerrománico. Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid, 1978.
  • Pedro Mateos Cruz, Luis Caballero Zoreda: Repertorios de Arquitectura Cristiana en Extremadura - Epoca Tardoantigua y Altomedieval. Anejos de AEspA XXIX, Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida - CSIC, 2003.
  • Thilo Ulbert: The Visigothic church of Valdecebadar near Olivenza (Prov. Badajoz). Madrid Communications Nº. 14, 1973 pp. 202-216.
  • Thilo Ulbert , Christoph Eger: Valdecebadar near Olivenza (Badajoz): New investigations in the cruciform church and its surroundings. Madrid Communications, Nº. 47 2006 pp. 221-252.
  • Antonio César González-García, Juan Antonio Belmonte: The Orientation of Pre-Romanesque Churches in the Iberian Peninsula In: Nexus Network Journal 2015, Vol. 17, Issue 2, pp. 353-377

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Coordinates: 38 ° 44 '22.9 "  N , 7 ° 5' 16.8"  W.