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Valtimo (Finland)
Coordinates 63 ° 41 ′  N , 28 ° 49 ′  E Coordinates: 63 ° 41 ′  N , 28 ° 49 ′  E
coat of arms
coat of arms
Basic data
Country Finland


North Karelia
local community Nurmes
surface 838.2 km²
Residents 2143 (December 31, 2018)
density 2.6  Ew. / km²

Valtimo [ ˈvɑltimɔ ] was a municipality in eastern Finland with 2143 inhabitants until December 31, 2019 (as of December 31, 2018). It was the northernmost municipality of the landscape of North Karelia on the border of the provinces of Kainuu and North Savo . On January 1, 2020, Valtimo was incorporated into the city of Nurmes .

The center of Valtimo is on State Road 6 between the lakes Valtimojärvi and Haapajärvi. The landscape of Valtimo is characterized by hills (vaara) , ridges (harju) and forests. The heights are up to 335 meters high.

When Finland had to cede East Karelia to the Soviet Union after the Second World War , more than 1,000 Orthodox , Karelian-speaking refugees from the East Karelian border area were settled in Valtimo, in the village of Rasimäki. The Karelian culture has survived there to this day. Of all Finnish parishes, Valtimo had the second highest Orthodox population after Ilomantsi . According to a study from 2005, around 100 people still speak Karelian in Valtimo .

In addition to the town center, Valtimo includes the settlements Elomäki, Haapakylä, Halmejärven metsänhoitopiiri, Halmejärvi, Hirsiniemi, Karhunpää, Koiravaara, Koppelojärvi, Maanselkä, Pajukoski, Rasimäki, Sivakkajoki, Sivakkavaara and Sivakkavaara.

Web links

Commons : Valtimo  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Valtioneuvosto päätti Nurmeksen kaupungin ja Valtimon kunnan yhdistymisestä. State Council press release, June 13, 2019 (Finnish)