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Vanillotoxins (VaTx) are pain-inducing neurotoxins produced by the tarantula Psalmopoeus cambridgei .


Vanillotoxins are pain-releasing toxins that the spiders use to ward off enemies. Vanillotoxine are peptides that the voltage-gated calcium channel TRPV1 ( English Transient Receptor Potential Cation vanilloid ) in primary sensory neurons activate permanently. In addition to the vanillotoxins, the TRPV1 ion channel is also activated by capsaicin , by a pH value below six or by high temperatures. TRPV1 is one of the vanilloid receptors , which is where the name vanillotoxins comes from.

Tau / kappa-Theraphotoxin-Pc1a (VaTx-1, 35 amino acids , Uniprot P0C244, EC 50 12 μM), Tau-Theraphotoxin-Pc1b (VaTx-2, 35 amino acids, Uniprot P0C245, EC 50 2.5 μM ) and Tau-Theraphotoxin-Pc1c (VaTx-3, 34 amino acids, Uniprot P0C246, EC 50 0.3 μM). Vanillotoxins have a homology to the inhibitor cystine knot (ICK) toxins. In addition to the activation of TRPV1 by binding to the pore, vanillotoxin-1 (VaTx-1) and -2 (VaTx-2, EC 50 40 μM) can also inhibit the voltage-controlled potassium channel K V 2.1 by binding to the voltage-dependent protein domain .

Individual evidence

  1. a b B. A. Cromer, P. McIntyre: Painful toxins acting at TRPV1. In: Toxicon , 2008, Volume 51: pp. 163-173, doi : 10.1016 / j.toxicon.2007.10.012 . PMID 18061640 .
  2. a b c Siemens J: Spider toxins activate the capsaicin receptor to produce inflammatory pain . In: Nature . 444, No. 7116, 2006, pp. 208-212. doi : 10.1038 / nature05285 . PMID 17093448 .
  3. ^ CJ Bohlen, D. Julius: Receptor-targeting mechanisms of pain-causing toxins: How ow? In: Toxicon 2012, Volume 60: pp. 254-264, doi : 10.1016 / j.toxicon.2012.04.336 . PMID 22538196 . PMC 3383939 (free full text).