Vasily Alexejewitsch Pashkewitsch

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Vasily Alexeyevich Paschkewitsch ( Russian Василий Алексеевич Пашкевич * to 1742 in Saint Petersburg ; † February 26 . Jul / 9. March  1797 greg. ) Was a Russian composer.

Paschkewitsch worked as a violinist from 1763 and from 1789 as concertmaster of the St. Petersburg court orchestra. He was also a member of the court singer society and court ball director. He wrote a number of comic operas, an a cappella mass and songs.


  • Anjuta , comic opera, WP 1772
  • The Miser , comic opera, premiered in 1781
  • How you live is how you are assessed , comic opera, WP 1782
  • The Tunisian Pasha , comic opera, 1783
  • Fewej , comic opera (libretto Ekaterina II.), WP 1786
  • Oleg's entry into government , drama with music, joint composition with Carlo Canobbio and Giuseppe Sarti , premiere 1790
  • Fedul and his children , comic opera (libretto Ekaterina II.) WP 1791
  • The clerk who was always unlucky in love , comic opera, premiered 1795
  • Misfortune because of a carriage , comic opera, WP 1799


  • Alfred Baumgartner: Propylaea World of Music: The Composers , Volume 4. Berlin, Frankfurt 1989, ISBN 354907834X , pp. 263-264.

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