Walking fair

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In the early modern period, a vazing (also: vascing) mass was understood to be so-called mass grants at various altars .

This is a special kind of fair scholarship, often for the benefit of beneficiaries . A certain amount of money is donated to a church or a monastery. In return, the founder receives the promise that on one or more dates a holy mass will be celebrated in his name at an unspecified altar of this church. The foundation amounts from several altars are collected in a single foundation and used in accordance with the foundation's purpose.


The term is used in the Reformation period and then in the Upper Palatinate and in Old Bavaria . Due to the Reformation, the existing measuring grants in the areas there were canceled and the associated foundation assets were used for other purposes. The term “va (s) ornamental mass” then simply referred to the supporters of the Reformation as the mass grant as such. After the re-Catholicization of the Upper Palatinate, the proceeds (the " gradient ") of the passing masses benefited the Capuchin and Franciscan Fathers , to whom the parishes were initially transferred because there was a lack of world priests.

In 1784 the term can be found in a decree of Joseph II , there is explicit mention of a distinction between beneficiaries and traveling masses.

Individual evidence

  1. Stadtarchiv Stadtmuseum Ingolstadt: Certificate from the 16th century "Vazierende Messen". Retrieved August 25, 2014 .
  2. Josef Hanauer: The Bavarian electors Maximilian I and Ferdinand Maria and the Catholic restoration in the Upper Palatinate . Volume 6 of the articles on the history of the diocese of Regensburg . Supplement, ISSN  0945-1722 , Regensburg 1993, p. 37
  3. Josef Hanauer: The Bavarian electors Maximilian I and Ferdinand Maria and the Catholic restoration in the Upper Palatinate . Volume 6 of the articles on the history of the diocese of Regensburg . Supplement, ISSN  0945-1722 , Regensburg 1993, p. 73
  4. Maria Theresa , Joseph II. : Imperial royal decrees which were about objects in Mate Riis publico-ecclesiasticis ... decrees . From the years 1783 to 1784. Volume 3 , 1784, p. 19 ( limited preview in Google Book search).