Thoracoepigastric veins

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The thoracoepigastric veins are a group of epifascial veins on the anterior and lateral walls of the chest . They carry the blood from the cutaneous veins in this area to the axillary vein . They form anastomoses with the venae epigastricae superficiales, whereby they connect the flow areas of the superior and inferior vena cava . A thrombophlebitis of these veins or their branches is as Crohn Mondor called.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf Bertolini , Gerald Leutert : Systematic anatomy of humans. People and health, Berlin 1979 and Fischer, Stuttgart 1979, ISBN 3437003755
  2. Krautzig S., ea: Basic textbook internal medicine , Urban & FischerVerlag, 2008, p. 247, ISBN 3437410539 , here online